It's dark but my weather app says it's 48 degrees outside with a 30% chance of rain. I hope the rain holds off until I've finished my errands. On a side note, it absolutely poured down last night. It's so lovely to be snuggled under flannel sheets, listening to the rain outside.
On the breakfast plate this morning:
A cup of Teavana's Peach Tranquility tea and a bottle of water.
As I look outside my window:
It's dark but I'm sure it's the same as last week - puddles everywhere.
Right now I am:
Still in my fleece robe, going through the e-mail, Facebook posts, and blog reading. Vic's back so he was up at 3:00am to get ready for work. He leaves at 4:00am so it makes for early mornings for us.
As I look around the house:
Everywhere is tidy - cleaned house thoroughly before Vic got home on Friday so that I could enjoy the weekend.
On today's to do list:
Laundry....Just a white load that Vic brought home after his duty day on Saturday.
In the kitchen....Nothing other than put my coffee cup in the dishwasher.
In the living room....It's all tidy - I'm doing the 15 minute declutter before bed each night.
In the bedrooms....Make the bed.
In the bathrooms....Swipe over the vanity and mirror after I'm finished in there.
Cooking.....Menus done, need to go grocery shopping.
Currently reading:
Still flipping through
Army Wives by Tanya Biank when I have a minute.
On the TV today:
Still need to finish up last week's episode of
Granchester and watch last night's.
On the menu this week:
Monday - Pork Tenderloin with Smashed Fingerling Potatoes and Carrots
Tuesday - Steak with Mushrooms and Roasted, Herbed Potatoes
Wednesday - Lamb Chops with New Potatoes with Parsley and Brussels Sprouts
Thursday - Chicken with Acorn Squash and Green Beans
Friday - Dinner out for Valentine's Day
Saturday - Spending the day in Seattle so perhaps we'll bring home some fish from the Pike Place Market Fish Company
Sunday - Vic has duty so it will be a snack night for me
What I am STILL creating at the moment:
Still need to adhere a few titles to the Janet Visits New England 2007 album - should get this done tomorrow as it's Craft Day at my house. Pinning ideas for deployment care packages serves another purpose as it gives me ideas for Sophia's care packages. I'm thinking a green/St. Patrick's Day theme for March and Easter for April. Not sure about May; June will be a Surviving Finals package. I bought the one that the university offered last quarter but she didn't really care for the contents so I need to tailor one to her tastes. Need to pick up the last few things for the Valentine's Day surprise.
New recipe I tried or want to try this week:
Smashed Fingerling Potatoes - don't remember where I saw the particular technique I want to use so I'll be making it up. Will let you know how it turns out.
Favorite photo from the camera:
An interesting tree we saw on our outing yesterday - the branches are covered in moss |
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals:
- Safety for Sophia as she is away from home at school and during her riding practice sessions
- Safety for Vic at work; wisdom and patience as he deals with a frustrating parking situation