Thursday, January 2, 2020

Goodreads 2020 Reading Challenge

Anyone planning a reading challenge for 2020?  Goodreads is a great site for keeping track.  I set my goal at 24 books - I have so many marked "Want to Read", it's going to be tough to choose where to start!


  1. I use Goodreads too, and I set my goal for 24 books in 2020 too. I had a goal of 30 in 2019, and I met the goal, but there were times I felt I was just racing through a book in order to stay on track. I feel by lowering my goal a bit, I can read a bit more leisurely.

  2. I kept my goal at 60 for 2020. Things might be busier for me with graduation and college on the horizon for my daughter. :)

  3. My daughter just introduced me to Goodreads and I downloaded it on my phone. I'm eager to see how it will work for me.
