Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 522

 From this Side of the Pond

I'm joining Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond for the Wednesday Hodgepodge.  Click on the photo above for the link.

1. What's something that scares you?

I am most scared that something will happen to someone I love.  I've been through it three times - the phone calls that came to say my mother, then my father, then my sister has died.  I am a worrier and I worry every day about my husband and daughter and pray for their safety.  There are just too many incidents of school and college shootings, workplace violence, road rage, and even mall violence that makes me want to cushion them from harm.  Impossible, I know, so I try not to think about it but as a wife and mother, how is that possible?

2. Do you care where the food you eat comes from? To what degree? 

I saw this on Facebook yesterday - a photo of a Best Foods mayonnaise jar:

My first thought was that someone had Photoshopped the label as an alarmist tactic but when I looked on the mayonnaise jar in my fridge, it's the same.  You hear these terms often these days - bioengineered or genetically modified - is it a bad thing or a good thing?  I don't have a chemistry background so I don't know the science behind it.  The website that's shown on the label - - states - "At a basic level, these terms refer to crops, like corn, canola, or soybeans that have been altered using modern biotechnology to give it more desirable traits."  Again, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

For a potentially less controversial answer, yes, I care where my food comes from.  I prefer to buy local, and I buy organic whenever possible if I doesn't involve taking out a second mortgage to pay my grocery bill!  I try to use these as a guideline.

3. What's something you wish you'd spent more time doing when you were younger?

Being active.  I think that if I had established a more active lifestyle when I was younger, I wouldn't look on it as such a chore now that I'm older.  I was always one for an indoor activity rather than an outdoor one.

4. Let's play autumn this or that....pumpkin spice or apple cider? Corn maze or haunted house? Horror film or Hallmark movie? Blanket or sweatshirt? Watch football or watch the World Series? Foliage-red, yellow or orange? 

Pumpkin spice, corn maze, Hallmark movie, sweatshirt, football, and orange foliage.  I took this when we were in Maine one year.

5. This time last year where were you and what were you doing? 

This time last year, Vic and I were together again after a three year separation courtesy of COVID and the U.S. Navy and we were in the end stages of our kitchen remodel.  The countertop was being installed, as were the appliances, and the dining room cabinets installation was being completed.  We were both working so these installation appointments meant time off work, thank goodness my employer was accommodating with a telework schedule when needed since Vic was new to his job and it was tough for him to take time off.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Can we talk about link party etiquette?  Is there such a thing?  I've been joining in link parties regularly to visit new bloggers and hopefully, have them visit me.  It's not working out as I had hoped.  There are several bloggers that I communicate with regularly, I read and comment on their posts and they read and comment on mine, but there have been many, many others who just drop a link and run, as covered in Grammy's Grid post, Link Party Etiquette.  I get it, people are busy, but isn't there an obligation as a host to comment on the posts of those who leave a link?  That being said, our lovely Joyce here at the Hodgepodge is a faithful commenter and I am very thankful that she hosts such a great link party and is so considerate.

That being said, I am so happy to be blogging again and I do it because I love to write.  I think of it as a journal of sorts, a place to record what we're doing, what I enjoy, things that interest me.  I'm not about to take the Debbie Downer "Why don't I have more commenters?" because if that's the way it is going to be, that's fine.  I do this for myself, and for those visitors who enjoy my posts, not to monetize my blog or keep metrics of visits and comments.



  1. I am a worrier myself and have received three awful phone calls as well. I am glad that you started blogging again and I blog for the exact reasons you stated. It is interesting about commenting. For years, I used to comment on just one blog. This blogger wrote a post every day (seven days a week) and I enjoyed her posts. So I would comment frequently. The blogger never commented on my blog posts (she likely didn´t even read my blog). I did not comment to get a comment back; I genuinely enjoyed the content and that´s why I commented. I began commenting on a couple of other blogs that I read and to my delight, they started commenting back on mine. Again- not that I expected it but appreciated it. I eventually stopped reading the blogger whom I used to read every day. Once I realized how common or normal it was to comment on others' blog, I decided to invest my time in reading blogs where the blogger would at least, even seldomly, leave a comment on mine. Have a great Wednesday!

    1. Thank you, Maria, my thoughts exactly. I really appreciate you stopping by and commenting.

  2. I enjoyed your answers! I am taking a Biology 102 class and we've been studying genetics. I'm not an expert :-) (as you can see I'm only in BIO102 and I'm 65 years old!) but reading about GMO through a scientist's eyes has been interesting. The way it was presented in our class is that the corn we eat is already a combination of several grasses! Maybe some day I will read more about it. I prefer non-altered food but I'm sure we are eating plenty of modified things without realizing.

    1. I think labeling is getting more strict so we'll see how that changes our eating habits.

  3. I understand your frustration with commenting.Blogging has changed so much over the years, but I still really enjoy it. I do try to get to anyone who comments on my blog, but am not as good as seeking out new bloggers as I used to be. Life is so busy somehow. My husband watched a video about strawberries and said if I saw it I might never eat one again. They are absolutely filled with teeny tiny bugs so now I wash them like its my job. Have a great day! Keep blogging!

    1. I think it's baking soda you can put in a bowl with water to wash fruits and vegetables and I know I've seen commercial products as well. I guess plain old water isn't enough anymore. Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Yes, blogging has changed and it isn't a given that people will bother to come and visit blogs participating in blog parties and leaving a comment. It seems that it was easier in the past to click on a commenter name and get taken right back to their blog but that isn't the case anymore, it seems. Wow...a 3 year separation is so long. Glad that is in the past.

  5. Oh yes, those are some real fears of mine too (along with slightly weirder ones like one of my family members could be accused of a crime they didn't commit and end up in prison)... I try not to think of any of it and succeed the majority of the time, I think. I definitely do not like to hear and read about genetically modified foods so we try to eat mostly fresh/ whole foods and organic when we can.

  6. I am the same way with worrying about my family. When the kids drove back to Atlanta/Auburn last Christmas (12 hours), I could not relax until they arrived. It is mainly driving that makes me worry. I know what you mean about blogging. Sadly, I think the link parties are on their way out. It seems like many people have moved on to Instagram. I love having my blog as a personal scrapbook, so I will keep it going! I appreciate all the other bloggers who continue to visit and comment.

  7. I am reading Ultra-Processed People: The Science Behind Food That Isn't Food by Chris Van really makes you think and read more labels.
    I also blog as a journal, but it is really nice to have long-time blog acquaintances and that has decreased. I have a couple that have moved to other media, and while I watch sporadically, it isn't quite the same.

  8. I enjoyed your answers...I didn't know you and your hubby were apart for awhile. that would be hard. I agree with etiquette. If I was hosting a party I would visit...I always try to visit the cotributors to parties I join with, though the last month or so I have been terrible at it. I always at least try to comment on the hosts, and those who comment on mine, and I try to respond to comments on mine, but again, this last month I haven't done so well. :(
