Monday, August 12, 2024

Share Our Lives - Least Favorite Activities


This month we're sharing our Least Favorite Activities.

1.  Cleaning the toilet and the bathroom in general - that's what you call a chore!

The link "How to Properly Clean the Toilet" was broken.  Too bad, I was really intrigued, if there's a proper way, I guess there must be an improper way, lol.

2.  Mopping the floor, any floor.

I know it has to be done, but I'm seriously considering investing in one of those i-Mop gadgets.

3.  Cooking - after 3 1/2 years apart (for any new readers, Vic and I were separated due to the needs of the Navy and COVID) and a menu of soup and sandwiches, meal planning and cooking dinner is just not fun any longer.

4.  The dentist - even though my dentist and hygienist are the kindest, gentlest people who stop frequently to check I'm ok, I still can't get over a childhood trauma at the dentist.

Doesn't the sight of those metal tools just give you the chills?

5.  Wiping muddy paws - we don't have much dirt in our backyard but wherever it is, Malone will find it.  With rainy Washington weather from fall to spring, muddy paws are a daily chore.

I have a couple of others but as you can see, I made short work of them.

6.  Ironing - I just don't do it!  I firmly believe I should support local businesses, and the dry cleaner is one of them.

7.  Gardening - I don't do this either.  We hired a gardener when Vic was away, and we just kept him on.  I envy anyone that has a beautiful garden but it's just not in my skill set.

8.  Exercising - another one I just don't do.  We did recently inherit a recumbent bike from our neighbors who are moving so maybe I will take a spin...or maybe not!
Join us on the 2nd Monday of each month - here are the upcoming topics.


  1. We have a rowing machine that's been sitting in our basement for three years and which I've only used about three times. Hahaha!!! I will come and do all your gardening for you though :)

  2. I don't iron either... maybe once every few years we're going somewhere really nice where I had to iron a shirt or a pair of pants but I honestly can't remember the last time I ironed. I do agree with every single one of these! (though we don't have pets so I don't have to deal with muddy paws).

  3. I don't mind cleaning the toilet, it's the rest of the bathroom which I think is a chore. I love mopping floors, there is something so satisfying about it as long as my family don't walk all over it with their mucky shoes.
    I don't iron unless something is really creased and then I usually get someone else to do it. hehehe

  4. I dont iron (unless it is a cricut craft) I found a spray that you just shake and let it dry and it has been working great on pants and shirts

  5. We have several of the same things. I say "brilliant minds"!:) Thumbs down to ironing, exercising and going to the dentist!!

  6. Same on the cooking and meal planning! I wish I could be good at gardening, but I don't even try.

  7. Wiping dirty paws is a good one! I hadn't thought of that...but it's so annoying to do! Thanks for joining our link up.
