Tuesday, January 2, 2024

If this is Tuesday, it must be England #155


I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a festive New Year's celebration.  I enjoyed re-watching the Christmas episode of Season 3 of All Creatures Great and Small, the winter scenery of the Yorkshire Dales was just stunning.  Did you see the holiday artwork PBS provided?

I'm so looking forward to Season 4 which begins on January 7.

Wishing you a year filled with good health, happiness, and the love of family and friends!


  1. You are the third or fourth person I know who has mentioned this show. I want to watch it, but I don't know if we have access to PBS.. We do have YouTube TV, but I'm not sure if that's the right PBS...there are a few of them, I think. Maybe I'm wrong? I'd love to know which platform you use! I'm glad you had a wonderful holiday! I am so glad it's all over, as much as I love it, it's also exhausting. I'm ready for normal to return! Enjoy your Tuesday, friend!

    1. A public television station (PBS) is usually part of a cable package but you can subscribe directly with PBS with what's called PBS Passport. It's a donation to PBS of $5 per month and then it's just like any other streaming service. The programming is excellent - classics from Masterpiece Theatre and are you familiar with Call the Midwife? That's another show not to be missed.

  2. The season premiere of All Creatures is well-timed. My kids will be driving back to college tomorrow, and the show will be a welcome distraction from the quiet house!
