Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 532

From this Side of the Pond

It's time for the Hodgepodge.  Click on the photo to see Joyce's post.

1. What's a change you'd like or need to make this year? 

Healthy eating, always top of the list for a new year.  We're doing ok with the Whole 30 program, Day Nine and we're still going strong.

2. Break the ice, on thin ice, ice skating, tip of the iceberg, ice cold...which icy idiom applies to your life right now? Explain. 

I guess it will have to be ice cold although I shouldn't complain about our temperatures in the 40s when I know so many others have ice and snow.

3. What's a project you've been putting off? Will you get to it this month? This year?

Finishing up the re-organization of my Christmas ornaments - we switched tote options last fall and I haven't updated the catalog of what's where.  I still need to declutter some of them as well.

4. Of the fruits that grow well in winter which ones have you tried? Which is your favorite? 

pomegranates, clementines, persimmons, passion fruit, pears, grapefruit, lemons, pomelos, kumquats

I've tried all but passion fruit, pomelos, and kumquats.  I love clementines  I've been buying Cuties or Halos but it turns out they are mandarins!  Had to Google to see the difference.

5. What do you think it means to be courageous? 

To go boldly where no man has gone before, oops, that's from Star Wars, isn't it, lol?  OMG, I couldn't even get that right, it's Star TREK!  But seriously, courageous really does mean to take a step, a leap of faith, to accomplish something, to help in a situation that seems futile, to be undeterred by danger or fear.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I saw this in our vet's office.  It made me sad.


  1. The sign is sweet. I think most vet offices handle these transitions with great kindness. That has been our experience. We didn't put up trees this year so I don't have ornaments to deal with for the most part. It's more the other decor that needs attention. Hope you have a great day!

  2. I also just saw a similar sign at our sad. But it is a really considerate idea. Having to put down a few dogs in the past, I can't imagine how upsetting it would be to sit with the pet for it's last few minutes and hear loud laughing etc in the lobby. On another topic, I had planned to purge some holiday decorations when I put them away. But then I just wanted to get everything put away, so didn't take the time to do it!! Maybe next year...ha, ha! Great post today!

  3. My tree is still up! Today was my deadline. Do I sound committed? ;)

  4. Our vet office has a similar sign. Saying goodbye to a beloved pet can be so hard, so I think it's a sweet idea. Loved the courage quote from star trek!

  5. Such a lovely hodge-podge Pamela! Fun to read and I enjoyed all your answers. The sign made me sad too but then I thought what a loving and thoughtful message. The Star Trek one made me smile. Happy New Year to you and your hubby!
