Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Christmas in July 2019 - Day Twenty-Four

The days are flying by, just one week left.  Today's topic is baking tips - what have you discovered that is just too good not to be shared?

I read a great article this week about chilling your cookie dough - not the sugar cookie kind that you're going to roll that we normally think should be chilled - but regular to-be-scooped cookie dough like chocolate chip.  Chilling helps your cookies hold their shape when they go into the oven.  30 minutes is recommended but overnight is even better.  Do you chill your to-be-scooped cookie dough?

I've had this photo for ages and I just love the idea.  So many of us make rum balls, or truffles, or thumbprint cookies, or mini-muffins and isn't this is the cutest way to package them up for gift-giving?

Who knew as you toss the foil or waxed paper box in the recycling bin that you could cover it with wrap and make a very festive and unique gift box for your baked goods?  A-mazing!


  1. I don't normally chill my dough, but I read the same article and plan to try it. I love the idea of using the foil boxes for wrapping - why haven't I ever thought of that myself?!

    1. I know, how many boxes like these do we toss in a year? Such a unique way to give a gift of baked goods. Everyone gives Ziploc containers, or cellophane bags tied with ribbons, but this is so different.

  2. I love the wrapping idea! The few I give out usually go in tin boxes.
