Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 585

 From this Side of the Pond

Here are this week's questions, which you should answer on your own blog and then pop over to Joyce's blog (click on the graphic for the link) Wednesday to add your link to the party.

1.  It's been said January is 'the month of opportunity, inspiration, and change." Which of the three do you need most right now? Elaborate. 

Change - out with the old and in with the new as they say.  It's time for new planners, decor refresh, any resolutions to be put in place.

2. Do you consider opportunity as something that comes to you or something you create for yourself? 

I suppose it's a little of both.  An opportunity can come up when you didn't expect it but you can also plan for one.

3. The British Museum opened on this date (January 15th) back in 1759. Do you like visiting museums? Do you have a favorite? 

I love museums.  The museums in Washington DC are among my favorites - Sophia and I visited the National Gallery of Art and the National Museum of Natural History on a trip to DC when we lived in Virginia.  We also toured the Franklin Institute on a trip to Philadelphia and the Air and Space Museum in Hampton, Virginia was Vic and Sophia's favorite.

4. It's National Oatmeal Month (yes, apparently it gets a whole month as opposed to a single day). Do you like oatmeal? How often do you eat a bowl of oatmeal? How do you like yours? What about an oatmeal cookie? Is that a sweet treat you enjoy? 

I like oatmeal but it's usually Quaker's Instant with maple and brown sugar.  Yes, to an oatmeal cookie and I make these raspberry oatmeal bars that are delicious.

5.What's something useful you learned in high school? 

I learned a lot in Home Economics.  I can still turn out a mean fried chicken using the seventh-grade recipe, and my Choco-Peanut Butter Bars were from that era as well.  I was thrilled to find the recipe on one of those sites where you can research old recipes and restaurant dishes.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

In the midst of all the junk on Facebook these days, I was happy to see a recommendation for this page - Slow Simple Seasonal.  Its description is Create a Beautiful Life from Ordinary Moments.  Every day there are lovely illustrations that just warm my heart.


  1. Those raspberry oatmeal bars do sound and look so good! We are a huge museum loving family too. I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite.

  2. I remember home ec in middle school too but I'm not sure I learned much!

  3. The museums you mentioned all sound really neat. I have never been to DC but I would like to go and see all the sites. Oatmeal is a great component to many desserts. Those raspberry bars look delicious- I will check out that recipe!

  4. I agree about opportunity it can be both. Your raspberry oatmeal bars look delicious. Thanks for the Facebook recommendation it looks like a lovey page to follow.

  5. Those raspberry bars look good and I might try them. I grew up outside of Phila and in elementary school we always had a field trip to the Franklin Institute. I enjoy it still. Have a great day!

  6. Ahh! I never thought of the changes that the new year brings. Good thinking.
    I used to love Home Economic classes. I still use a couple of recipes that I learned when I was a teenager.

    1. I have nightmares of Domestic Science at grammar school. We had to make Shepherd's Pie and the mince was to be boiled! Not sure if that was a thing of that era?

  7. I will check out that Facebook page. I'm trying to weed out my instagram and facebook pages so I see what I really am interested in.

  8. I loved Home Economics. Our Home Ec department had an actual cottage on the campus where all its classes were held. It was a lovely old brick house. I got a lot of cooking and sewing instruction at home, but distinctly remember learning to make French seams in Home Ec.
