Monday, September 21, 2015

Life (over the) Last (two) Week(s) 2015-36


1. Having Vic home for ten days was wonderful - he knocked out the To-Do list and had dinner ready for me every night. I could get used to that life!

2. Sophia and MudLynn are settled in Bellingham. Sophia' roommate has arrived and the two of them are enjoying their time together. School starts next week for both of them.

3. The Whole 30 ended up as the Whole 13 but when you're gonna fall, do it with a Pumpkin Spice Latte in your hand! Vic and I have decided to do a Whole 5 each week and let our guard down on the weekends a little. Vic snacked his way around Costco this afternoon while I limited my sampling to one small piece of organic potsticker.

4. A very busy Navy Wives Clubs past couple of weeks. We held our elections and I am now the Recording Secretary for the club. We have a full board - President, Vice President, Secretaries - Recording and Corresponding, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Chaplain. I decided to attend the National Convention in Mississippi this year just a few days before the registration deadline - had to make sure I could get the time off work and that there weren't any conflicts with Vic's schedule. It seemed like five minutes after I told our President that I would be attending that I got an e-mail asking me to be on a committee. I rounded out the Navy Wives roller coaster with a meeting yesterday of yet another committee. My resume is growing.

5. The weather has cooled off considerably and I'm loving it.


1. I missed a day and a half of work last week due to a stomach bug. Not sure if it was something I ate or if I fell victim to the 24 bug, but it was miserable. I missed my spouses' group's My Favorite Things party which was a bummer but one does not take one's stomach bug to someone else's house.

2. I'm still working on getting my work life and home life in order. Sadly, the thing that has suffered most has been my Christmas planning/pre-holiday season activities. I haven't been over to the Magical Holiday Home Forums in weeks and I really used to enjoy chatting with the ladies there. I'm several Rudolph Days behind and the 101 Days to Christmas countdown has slipped past me as well. I just can't manage it all. I find myself realizing that I must use my planner to schedule all the things I want to do in order to keep up.

3. Sulking big time that whoever is in charge of Downton Abbey didn't hear the cries of the American fans and air it here at the same time it's on in the UK. Wait until January...really, are you kidding me? No, I guess you're not. Enjoy, UK friends (much gnashing of teeth).


  1. The first episode of Downton was just OK, I think they've made the right decision to end it after this series, to be honest. Hope you don't have to wait too long for it to come to you. I know exactly what you mean about finding time to get everything done, I am totally struggling to keep up. Have a good week :)

  2. We do miss you on MHH! but I see why you haven't been there... busy, busy, busy. Glad to see you are doing well.
