Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 526

 From this Side of the Pond

1. Are you too hard on yourself or not hard enough? Elaborate. 

Definitely too hard on myself.  I expect it all to be done just so and that usually means that I end up doing it.  I have high expectations and disappointment is crushing at times.  I need to learn to let it go but I just can't. 

2. What's the role of gratitude in your life?

I'm immeasurably grateful for my family and the way my life has turned out.  I could go back and think, "what if I'd done this, or done that?" but what's the point?  If my life had taken a different turn, I wouldn't have had incredible parents, a wonderful sister, a loving husband, and a beautiful daughter.  We have a nice home and all our needs are met, even some of our wants.  I am incredibly grateful for all of my blessings.  What's the role?  I'd say it's number one.

3. Where do you get your news these days? How much attention are you giving it currently? 

I really stopped watching network news some years ago and I'd say I give little attention to the news currently.  Most of it is depressing.  If there's something I see that interests me, I use a variety of resources to research it and learn more but on the whole, I avoid it.  I can't change the things that are going on in the world these days.  I am appalled by the losses of life in past and current conflicts, did we not learn anything from Nazi Germany?  Whether it was the Bosnian genocide, the current situation in Ukraine, the Rohingya refugee crisis in Myanmar, Darfur, ethnic cleansing in Africa, Hamas, or any number of disputes that result in loss of life, when will it ever end?

4. Do you like potatoes? Last time you prepared potatoes in some way? Which of the following is your favorite...baked potato, mashed potato, french fried potato, sweet potato, hash brown potatoes, roasted potatoes, or potato salad? 

I LOVE potatoes.  I know there's going to be someone on here that's going to give an "I don't eat carbs" answer and that's ok, you do you, but I will eat potatoes in any form.  My favorites would be proper English roast potatoes.  I'm not really bothered about sweet potatoes but any of the others on the list above would be wonderful.  The last time I prepared potatoes was last weekend - baked potatoes with all the fixings!

5. Are you a veteran? Are there any veterans in your family? Will you do anything special to honor them on Veterans Day/Remembrance Day this year? 

I am not a veteran but I am the daughter of an Army veteran and the wife of an active duty naval officer.  I put up a post every year to thank my heroes for their service.  It's very important that we honor their service and the ultimate sacrifice paid by many for our freedom.  And speaking of Veterans Day, "Veterans Day does not include an apostrophe but does include an ‘s’ at the end of ‘veterans’ because it is not a day that ‘belongs’ to veterans, it is a day for honoring all veterans. - U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Speaking of those who don't eat carbs, do you ever get tired of people who don't do this or don't do that and that their denial somehow makes them better people?  OK, medical reasons aside, I find it tiresome to read about all the things people deny themselves out of an illusion of self-importance, like it makes them better than the rest of us.  Have you ever run across this?


  1. Oh yes, I am definitely too hard on myself too. I stopped with the news years and years ago too (probably when my boys were little!) and while I am occasionally a bit thrown when someone asks about something they saw on the news I do still usually know what's going on just by being around. I hate to say I'd rather not know but really I'd rather not know. I made baked potatoes last night and I'm pretty sure we're having roasted potatoes tonight! I try to limit carbs a bit but I love them too much to take it seriously. LOL

  2. English roasted potatoes are the best because of the fat they use. Yum!! I love carbs. Everything in moderation is what works best for me. As soon as I say I can't have something that's all I want and can think about lol. Have a great day! I enjoyed your thoughts on gratitude.

  3. LOL that's me - with the I don't eat carbs answer. But I will still eat a potato from time to time.

  4. Yes, I definitely agree on #6! And I feel the same about gratitude in #2. I feel so blessed with what my life has become. I wouldn't trade my somewhat turbulent childhood and lonely 20's for the life I found in my 30's. Very grateful!

  5. Happy Veterans Day to your hubby. Thankful for his service. In addition to your thoughts in #6, it gets harder to invite someone over for a meal with all the restrictions out there. OYE! Hope the rest of your week is wonderful!

  6. Thank you to her husband and father for their service. Like you, I love potatoes too in most any form. I care about carbs because I am diabetic, but I believe in eating the things we love in moderation. And I totally get what you are saying in your random. Hope you have a great week.

  7. I eat carbs but when I do I tend to gain weight immediately, which is not easy for me!
