Thursday, April 11, 2024

J is for Jam Pennies

We've talked about afternoon tea, high tea, and briefly mentioned a cream tea.  Here's another one for you - a quick and easy tea.  All you need is a cup and saucer (let's make it a special occasion even if it is quick and easy), a china plate, and a batch of jam pennies.

Jam pennies were one of the late Queen Elizabeth II's favorite afternoon treats.  They could be part of an afternoon tea but given that Her late Majesty was quite health conscious, I think she would indulge in a full afternoon tea only on special occasions and settle for a cup of tea and jam pennies at other times.  Jam pennies are miniature raspberry jam sandwiches cut into circles the size of an old English penny.  Cut the crusts off white or brown bread, spread with unsalted butter on one slice and raspberry jam on the other.  Sandwich them together and cut small circles with a round 6 cm pastry cutter, giving you four mini sandwiches.

Wouldn't these be great for a children's tea party with peanut butter in the place of the unsalted butter?


  1. These remind me of sandwiches my grandmother used to make for me!

  2. Oh, I bet children would enjoy these with peanut butter! Does the jam have to be raspberry to be considered a jam pennies?
