Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Z is for Zzzzzz


We've come to the end of the A to Z for 2024.  I suppose Z could be for the zzzzs of a nice, long nap after a delicious afternoon tea.  The only fruit or vegetable that starts with a Z I could come up with would be zucchini so I suppose you could make mini zucchini loaves as one of your sweet offerings.  The sweets layer we enjoyed at the Fairmont Empress in Victoria featured mini carrot banana loaves (shown on the far right on the top tier below) so I suppose you could make a zucchini banana loaf instead.

Thank you for reading along and for your lovely comments.  I enjoyed researching the various London afternoon tea offerings and reminiscing about some of our favorite tea spots.  We'll be having afternoon tea for Mother's Day and for Father's Day.  It's a special time for the two of us and I hope that you will consider having a tea for two of your own some time.


  1. Really enjoyed your A-Z posts this month! It was a desultory month for me among other things. But getting to learn more about teas and some of the places to have tea was truly a bright spot ;). And zucchini mini loaves would be perfect for a sweet offering so I think you nailed Z! A perfect ending for a fun and informative series!!

  2. I have really enjoyed all of your afternoon tea posts. I have learned a lot and you have made me really want a fancy afternoon tea in London.

  3. I always find the "z's" so hard to come up with when doing these alphabet posts. It was a fun month of reading and learning about all things tea.

  4. Thanks for sharing such an interesting series!

  5. It would be lovely to have an afternoon tea again. Next time we go to London, I am making sure we go get one. Thanks for this lovely series Pamela.

  6. Congratulations on completing the challenge. I think mini zucchini loaves sounds very appropriate to add to your party.
