Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday Favorites


Let's talk Friday Favorites Fashion!


Stunning - has to be THE look of the day

And this...

Some symbolism with the purple - neither blue nor red - haven't seen anything about Dr. Biden's color palette yet

But this...

Beautiful and so symbolic - Dr. Biden's Inauguration Evening Dress had flowers from all 50 states plus the U.S. territories embroidered on it, with the flower of Delaware sewn near her heart and the other flowers branching out from it.  Inside the coat, representing the lifelong calling and service of Dr. Biden as an educator, is a hand embroidery on the lining with a quote from Founding Father Benjamin Franklin:

"Tell me and I forget.  Teach me and I remember.  Involve me and I learn."

This will be a must-see when it is added to the First Ladies Collection at the Smithsonian.

And then there was this...

Just WOW 

I was a little less enthused about Lady GaGa - a bit over the top - but she certainly made a statement with that social distancing skirt

And finally, heralding the birth of more memes that you could imagine and perhaps even a Where's Bernie? book - I hope he has taken it all in the spirit it was intended, not laughing at him, but laughing with him

Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Hill We Climb - Amanda Gorman

I had to preserve this here and if you didn't hear it, haven't read it, please read on.  22 years old, can you believe it?  The youngest inaugural poet, magnificent.

When day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade. We've braved the belly of the beast. We've learned that quiet isn't always peace. In the norms and notions of what just is isn't always justice.

And yet, the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow, we do it. Somehow, we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished. We, the successors of a country and a time where a skinny Black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president, only to find herself reciting for one.

And yes, we are far from polished, far from pristine, but that doesn't mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect. We are striving to forge our union with purpose, to compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man.

And so, we lift our gazes not to what stands between us, but what stands before us. We close the divide because we know, to put our future first, we must first put our differences aside. We lay down our arms so we can reach out our arms to one another. We seek harm to none and harmony for all. Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true. That even as we grieved, we grew. That even as we hurt, we hoped; that even as we tired, we tried; that we’ll forever be tied together, victorious. Not because we will never again know defeat, but because we will never again sow division.

Scripture tells us to envision that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid. If we’re to live up to our own time, then victory won’t lie in the blade, but in all the bridges we’ve made. That is the promise to glade, the hill we climb if only we dare it. Because being American is more than a pride we inherit; it’s the past we step into and how we repair it. We’ve seen a forest that would shatter our nation rather than share it, would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy. And this effort very nearly succeeded.

But while democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated. In this truth, in this faith we trust, for while we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us. This is the era of just redemption. We feared it at its inception. We did not feel prepared to be the heirs of such a terrifying hour, but within it, we found the power to author a new chapter, to offer hope and laughter to ourselves.

So, while once we asked: “How could we possibly prevail over catastrophe?” Now we assert, “How could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?”

We will not march back to what was, but move to what shall be: a country that is bruised, but whole; benevolent, but bold; fierce and free. We will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation, because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation. Our blunders become their burdens. But one thing is certain, if we merge mercy with might, and might with right, then love becomes our legacy, and change our children’s birthright.

So, let us leave behind a country better than one we were left. With every breath from my bronze-pounded chest, we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one. We will rise from the gold-limned hills of the West. We will rise from the wind-swept Northeast where our forefathers first realized revolution. We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the Midwestern states. We will rise from the sun-baked South. We will rebuild, reconcile and recover in every known nook of our nation, in every corner called our country our people diverse and beautiful will emerge battered and beautiful.

When day comes, we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.

— Amanda Gorman’s “The Hill We Climb,” as recited at the inauguration of  President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris (Source:  The Baltimore Sun)

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 404

Check out this week's Hodgepodge here and join us! 

1. What's something we'd find you doing most afternoons? 

During the week, I am at work.  I'm the Department Secretary for the Engineering and Planning Department at the local shipyard.  I have a boss, our department head, and four other division managers in our office suite so I look after them all.  In the afternoon, I take care of the timekeeping for twenty people and work on whatever else comes across my desk - correspondence, travel arrangements, awards, etc.  I really like the office atmosphere and the people I work with are wonderful.

On the weekends, the afternoons usually mean a cup of tea and a movie.  I get up very early on weekdays, 4:30am and am out of the house until 5:00pm which means there is a lot to do in the few hours between walking in the door and going to bed so weekends are for relaxing.

2. Who do you take after? In what way(s)? 

My Mum.  She was a worrier and so am I!

3. 'After every storm comes a rainbow' or 'the calm before the storm'...which phrase do you relate to more right now? Tell us why? 

'After every storm comes a rainbow' certainly applies to the last twelve months and the next six while Vic has been/is gone if you can consider his absence a storm and his homecoming the rainbow.  It's also 'the calm before the storm' because he's only home for a month and then he's off again and it's a bit more complicated this time because we have to get a new vehicle and get him settled in a new place to live.  Hopefully, it will only be a year but it could be three.  Either way, it's back in the continental USA, just a flight away.

4.What are your plans for the day after tomorrow? 

Thursday - drive to the Park & Ride, take the commuter bus to work, work all day, take the commuter bus back to the Park & Ride, drop my library book, pick up my prescriptions at the drive-through pharmacy (since COVID, they have been closed on Saturdays so it's a race to get there after work), and then head home.

5. Complete this sentence-"After all is said and done_____________________."

After all is said and done, don't look back, it's over.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Inauguration Day today.  Praying for a peaceful transition to the new administration and good things to follow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

If this is Tuesday, it must be England #128

Happy 56th Birthday on January 20th to Her Royal Highness The Countess of Wessex (born Sophie Rhys-Jones).  The countess is married to the Queen's youngest son, Edward, who created Earl of Wessex on their marriage in 1999.  They have two chidren, Lady Louise (born 2003) and James, Viscount Severn (born 2007).  The Earl and Countess undertake dozens of engagements each year to schools, universities, and military installations, and work tirelessly for the numerous organizations of which they are patrons.

I think the Earl and Countess are a lovely couple, very supportive of the Queen, and a valued part of the cadre of senior royals who are taking on more and more engagements, especially in light of the global pandemic.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Hello Monday


The weather:::
Cold and cloudy all week, rain forecast for Thursday and surprise, surprise, a snow/rain mix on Sunday, it will be interesting to see how that turns out.

On my reading pile:::
Finished The Alice Network by Kate Quinn, excellent read.  Looking forward to reading more from her.  I'm into The Chilbury Ladies Choir by Jennifer Ryan, another large-print, heavy, but easy on the eyes book.

On my TV:::
Last Tango in Halifax, how have I not discovered this show before now?  Binge watched the entire Season 1 of All Creatures Great and Small on PBS Passport, can't wait for Season 2.

Checked off the list:::
Relatively low key week - work was steady, quiet evenings apart from Tuesday when an accident caused a huge traffic delay and I got home two hours later than usual.  Pest control service on Saturday morning and then I went to meet a keto friend to hear all about her journey and to go with her to the grocery store for a tour of what to eat, what not to eat, what to look for in labels, substitutes for current pantry items, and supplements.  It was a very enjoyable and informative two hours. 

Crafts Roundup:::
Worked a little more on my December Daily but didn't spend the whole day as I had planned.  I'm just not feeling it - it was such an untraditional holiday season and I'm having a hard time with the creative process.  Slow and steady, that's how it will end up.

And in other news:::
Week 1 of the 2021 Home Organization Challenge, suggested by Tanya from The Other Side of the Road was the Laundry Room.  This is a 14-week challenge but for me, it's likely to be a year-long adventure.  I'd love to dedicate a week to one room and get everything cleaned and organized but it's just not going to happen with my schedule.  Slow and steady, where have I heard that before?

On the left is before and on the right, after.  Our laundry room is right off the garage (door just to the right of my hanging jacket in the after photo) and then there is a door to the living room (where I am standing to take these photos).  It wasn't too bad - I rotated the shoe rack (wooden, in the corner) and the shoe tray (long black piece along with wall) to a new position along the back wall, much better and out of the way.  I moved items on the hanging rack to their rightful places - blue IKEA bag folded and put away, hats and gloves on the top shelf over to the winter accessories storage cube, and hung my blue winter coat up in the coat closet.  Swept and mopped the floor.

I love my Elfa laundry room system from The Container Store.  It needs a little realignment but I need Vic to take care of that.  The uppermost shelf needs to come down about two notches, and the pegboard-type rack behind the sink will be moved over to behind the washer.  The sink needs to go back to be flush with the back of the washer but that will need a shortened piece of piping to accomplish that.

Top shelf is paper towels, lower shelf is toilet paper, trash bags, and a set of white plastic baskets (Y-design from Target).  The square ones hold papers bags and reusable grocery bags and the two stacked inside each other are my laundry baskets.  A smaller basket holds my detergent.  To the left of the baskets is a smaller basket with my pre-spot solution and whitener tablets.

The drawer above the sink holds my floor cleaning pieces - I have a similar system to a Swiffer but my mop, dust, and shine attachments connect with Velcro and then can be removed to be washed.  Also in this drawer are drawer sheets, mesh linen bags for fine washables, and a baseball hat frame for drying hats back to their original shape.

The two drawers above the dryer hold (top) Kleenex and Brita filters, and (bottom) rag bag cloths (old T-shirts for drying the car after it's washed or cleaning up wet paw prints when Spectra visits) along with dog towels (for drying wet paws) and microfiber cloths.

There are two hangers just notched onto a shelf - I have a couple of valet hooks that I will have Vic install on the wall so that I can hang things as they come out of the dryer.  We originally had a hanging bar built into the system but it wasn't used very often and I preferred a shelf and drawer in its place.

And there you have it, the Laundry Room!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Friday Favorites

This Friday Favorites post is dedicated to Rudolph Day.

What's Rudolph Day? Here is the definition according to Organized Christmas:
A few years ago, members of our Christmas community began to observe "Rudolph Day" on the 25th of each month.
On that day, we take a few moments to plan some simple tasks for the month ahead, in order to get ready for Christmas Day with plenty of time to spare. By starting early--and working a bit at a time on each month's Rudolph Day--it's easy to prepare for Christmas, save money on gifts, and cut holiday stress.
Here's the annual line-up with the sub-theme in parentheses:

January - Tie Up Loose Ends (gather ideas and organize your Christmas notebook)
February - Begin a Holiday Letter
March - Birthday Gift-Buying Strategy (party planning for the holiday season)
April - Plan Holiday Crafts 
May - Catalog Shopping Tips
June - Recipe Round Up
July - Choose a Holiday Plan (Christmas in July celebration)
August - Craft Control (thinking ahead to Elf on the Shelf)
September - Prepare for Holiday Gifts and Giving
October - Plan Holiday Meals
November - Write Holiday Letter

The bottom line is...prepare for Christmas by doing something every month and make the 25th of each month a Rudolph Day by doing something Christmas-y!

Last year, my Christmas group decided to come up with a set of categories to help us celebrate Rudolph Day.  Each month's hostess picks a movie, a book, a magazine, a You Tube craft or cooking video, and a Pinterest idea to share with everyone.  I am January's hostess and here are my recommendations, this week's Friday Favorites:

Movie - Deck the Halls with Matthew Broderick and Danny DeVito - just as we've put our decorations away, it's time to watch the dueling neighbors put theirs up!

Book - Jingle All The Way, Debbie Macomber's latest Christmas novel

Magazine - Tell us all about any Christmas magazine you purchased or received as a gift in December

Blog - I'd like to introduce you to my friend Vicki who blogs over at Christmas 24/7/365. She'd love it if you would leave a comment on one of her Christmas posts. Tell her I sent you!

YouTube Craft or Cooking Video - I just discovered Tiny Craft World, - what beautiful designs! This one is a special favorite.

Pinterest Idea - If you're thinking of a Grinch theme for décor, entertaining, or food, my Grinch board might interest you,, the Bingo and Jeopardy cards links may be broken but you can see the details from the photos if you'd like to recreate your own.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Let's Look

I had the best intentions of joining in with Let's Look but I got caught up in the Hodgepodge so I missed it.  Here I am, a day late.

Our coffee bar is in two spots, given the strange configuration of our kitchen and limited space.  First on the home remodel kitchen!  In the meantime, the Keurig, Keurig Rivo (espresso machine), and mugs are located to the right of the sink.  It works for now.

I love the mat the Rivo sits on - it's like a thick foam placemat and it has a great coffee design.  I have a couple more that I'm saving for the new coffee bar.

The second section of the coffee bar is more for decoration right now - it's over on the opposite side of the kitchen - two Longaberger racks hold our Starbucks Been There collection of mugs and all of my Downton Abbey tea tins.  There's also a wrought iron Keurig pods holder.  That's my Hallmark Happiness Is...display stand with January Snoopy, blowing on a noisemaker and wearing a party hat to ring in the new year.

The plan is, when the kitchen is redone, to have an entire wall of cabinets for special dishes - entertaining platters, tea sets, Christmas china - long cabinets with glass in the doors with a coffee bar spot in the middle.  I tried to find a design but the closest I came up with was this piece of cabinetry.

I hope you can get the idea - tall cabinets on each side, counter/coffee bar area in the middle with drawers below for tablecloths, placemats, napkins and something above for more entertaining-type dishes.  I can't wait.  In the meantime, I grab a pod as I enter the kitchen and take it over to the Keurig - hello, morning coffee!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 403

Check out this week's Hodgepodge here and join us! 

1. When were you last a guest at an event or in someone's home? Tell us about it. Do you enjoy having guests in your own home? 

This is unbelievable - I had to go back to December of 2017 to find the last time we were guests in someone's home (it was an event as well).  We certainly didn't go anywhere in 2019 and 2018 was a combination of Vic being in one place and me in another so zero outings there.  We would have gone to a Christmas gathering at a friend's in December 2019 but it was scheduled for the day Vic was coming in at the airport so we didn't make it.

So, the last time was a Holiday Open House, a grand affair put on by one of the major commands in Virginia.  It was held at one of the historic homes on the base, beautifully decorated for the holidays with the service members in their dress uniforms and spouses all glittery or in suits for an glam evening out.  The food was magnificent, wine and champagne flowed, and it was a lovely evening of meeting friends old and new.  The culmination of the evening was caroling along with the command's band who had been playing softly all evening from the grand staircase.  A fabulous memory.

This decor is amazing - that's fishing wire (that invisible wire that is so handy for all sorts of decorating) strung from one side of the rotunda to the other with the ornaments suspended from it.  I was an event that included the international community so this tree is decorated with the flags of the various nations.

I love to have guests in our home - for Christmas 2019, I held an afternoon tea and ornament exchange for friends which was so much fun and we're looking forward to revving up our holiday open house once things are safe again.

2. What has you 'tied up in knots' currently or recently? Are you any good at tying actual knots? 

"Tied up in knots" would have been any discussion about Vic coming home last Christmas - we all know how that turned out.  It's now moved on to his return home - when?  when?  when?  The definition of tied up in knots is to be confused, anxious, worried, and/or upset about something - yep, that's me on all four counts!  I do my best to leave it alone but it's so hard when things are completely beyond my control (I don't do well with that at.all).  I can tie a square knot, it's a holdover from my Girl Scout days.

3. What's something you've been wanting to do and have decided 2021 will be the year you 'take the plunge'? 

Find a healthy eating program that I can make a permanent lifestyle change.  I'm working through a Whole 30 right now to detox from sugar and gluten and then I need to find a way to ease a little bit of both back into my life.  I'll most likely start Weight Watchers again later this year.

4. Something in your home that's old? Something new? Something borrowed? Something blue? 

Old - Mum's Bible that she carried on her wedding day in 1956 is probably the oldest thing we have.
New - Anything I got for Christmas so we'll go with the milk frother.
Borrowed - Library books!
Blue - Just about everything in Vic's wardrobe - he certainly picked the right branch of service to join.  Go Navy!

5. Share a favorite quote, a verse of scripture, and/or a bit of wisdom for couples getting married in this challenging and seemingly unpredictable season we're currently/still experiencing.

Be kind to each other.  Don't go to bed angry.  Agree to disagree.  Hold hands always.

My parents at my sister's wedding - they always held hands - even when they sat in their armchairs at home watching a movie, they were holding hands

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Did anyone watch All Creatures Great and Small on PBS on Sunday?  I caught it on Monday through our PBS Passport and thought it was delightful.  I loved the original series with Robert Hardy and Christopher Timothy and was so afraid this new one wouldn't be as good but I really enjoyed it.  The casting of Siegfried and James is excellent, and I'm sure Tristan is going to be spot on as well.  I did find Mrs. Hall a bit young, but she's kind of an old young, if that makes any sense, so she'll do.  And, of course, the Yorkshire scenery is glorious.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

If this is Tuesday, it must be England #127


Happy 76th Birthday on January 15th to Princess Michael of Kent, wife of the Queen's cousin, Prince Michael of Kent.  Baroness Marie Christine von Reibnitz is a larger than life member of the Royal Family and not without controversy.  A Catholic and a divorcee, her previous marriage was annulled just one month before her marriage to Prince Michael.  Much has been written about her father's membership in the Nazi Party during World War II, she is the author of several novels and non-fiction works at least one of which was tainted by accusations of plagiarism, and on several occasions, has been accused of outright racism.

Princess Pushy, as she has been called, certainly stands out.  And so she should, as at six feet tall, she towers over most of the women of the House of Windsor! 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Hello Monday


The weather:::
Guess what?  It's going to....rain!  All next week.  Washington's January tradition continues.

On my reading pile:::
Still reading The Alice Network by Kate Quinn.  I somehow ordered the large-print version from the library, great on the eyes but oh my, it's heavy to cart back and forth every day.

On my TV:::
Finally watched the movie I added to our Amazon Library for us to enjoy at Christmas, Midway, with Woody Harrelson and Dennis Quaid.  It was excellent and I was amazed at the similarity between the actors and the real-life heroes they portrayed, superb casting.  The movie was filmed in part in Hawaii and I caught a glimpse of my friend's husband, in major command in Hawaii at the time, who was an extra.  As it was not a speaking role, he was not listed in the credits but I did see his name in the Special Thanks To section.  The credits go on and on, with many sections dedicated to the visual effects teams.

Checked off the list:::
Back to work last week - steady all week so the days flew by.  I woke up on Thursday to an eerie silence in the house (the heater is on a timer so it comes on just before I wake up), looked at my phone and found a dead battery.  Walked into the kitchen to check the time - 7:16am!  Good grief, overslept and missed the bus so I texted the office to say I'd be late, dove in the shower, and drove in.  Thankfully, I found a convenient parking place.  Since I had the car, I ran to Costco after work for groceries, then to World Market for tea, and stopped at Chipotle for one of the Whole 30 bowls for dinner.  Today will be Day 15 on the Whole 30, it's going well.  I've also managed to drink water (not the full 8 8-ounce glasses, more like half that amount, but it's a start) every day.  Win!  Picked up my dry cleaning and dropped off more.  Went to Whole Foods on Saturday for a few things I couldn't get at Costco and spent the rest of the weekend on chores and relaxing.  Busy, busy, busy.  

Crafts Roundup:::
No progress.  Have ear-marked January 17 as December Daily Day.  Since it's a three-day weekend, I figured I could dedicate one day to crafts.

And in other news:::
Ginger cut her leg so Sophia has spent the last four days keeping the wound clean and wrapped.  Not severe enough to warrant a vet visit but worrying all the same.  She and the barn owner went over the stall carefully to see what might have caused it but found nothing.  It did give her a chance to get her equine first aid kit fully stocked.

I'm the January hostess for Rudolph Day over at the Magical Holiday Home forums.  Rudolph Day is the 25th of each month, a day to take a few moments to plan some simple tasks for the month ahead, in order to get ready for Christmas Day with plenty of time to spare. By starting early--and working a bit at a time on each month's Rudolph Day--it's easy to prepare for Christmas, save money on gifts, and cut holiday stress.

Last year we took it in turns to suggest a movie, book, magazine, blog, YouTube craft or cooking video, and a Pinterest idea, sharing the details before the 10th of each month so the members can come back on the 25th and tell us how they enjoyed the selections and any other thoughts.  If you're not a member of Magical Holiday Home, I'll put the details up on Friday if you'd like to check it out.

I know many of you are thinking..."What, Christmas already?  I've just put away my decorations!"  Well, for Christmas-lovers like us, we're always counting down the days (348, in case you were wondering! 😉) and planning to be as organized as possible to enjoy the holiday season when it arrives.

I've decided to hop on the 2021 Home Organization Challenge, suggested by Tanya from The Other Side of the Road.  Week 1 is the Laundry Room so stay tuned for what I did.

And finally, does anyone use Stevia?  I'd love to hear your comments.

Have a great week!

Saturday, January 9, 2021

If this is Tuesday, it must be England #126 (moved to Saturday for this special celebration)

Happy 39th Birthday today to Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cambridge.  Since there was no gathering of the Royal Family for Christmas, there was no walk back from church on Christmas Day with all the beautiful coats and hats on display so I've picked another occasion to share with you.  I love that all of these coats were from her existing wardrobe, a nice touch in these austere times.  How I would love to take a peek at the Duchess' coat closet!

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge undertook a Nationwide tour of three days on the request of the British Government in December 2020. The 1250 miles long tour saw the Royal couple thanking the UK frontline workers, organizations and communities for their generosity during the pandemic that kept the country going.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Friday Favorites


Here are a few things from under my Christmas tree - I'm looking forward to trying them all.

1.  Jo Malone Cologne Collection - perfect set to sample five of her fragrances

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale - sold out very quickly

English Pear & Freesia (currently wearing and loving), Nectarine Blossom & Honey, Wild Bluebell, Peony Blush & Suede, and Wood Sage & Sea Salt

2. diptyque Candle Set

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale - sold out very quickly

My set includes Baies (Berries), Figuier (Fig Tree), Feu de Bois (Wood Fire), and Roses shown above but instead of Tubereuse, I have Narguile (strangely enough, the translation is Hookah, the description says a hint of honey, tobacco leaves and a handful of spices)

Luxury perfumer diptyque began in 1961 at 34 Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris, where three artistic friends opened a storefront bazaar. The trio's creative spirit and elegant taste eventually converted the curated shop into a world-renowned perfume house. Revered for balanced, transformative scents, diptyque offers a full collection of intoxicating candles, home fragrances and body care.

3.  Makeup Eraser's The Sponge

Billed as "The First Ever Machine Washable Makeup Sponge"

4.  fresh Sugar Lip Balm Trio

Another Nordstrom Anniversary Sale item gone within hours

Sugar Lip Treatment Advanced Therapy, Sugar Caramel Hydrating Lip Balm, and Sugar Rose Tinted Lip Treatment Sunscreen SPF 15

5.  Nespresso Aeroccino 4 Milk Frother

This makes the most luxurious froth for lattes and cappuccinos and also heats milk for hot chocolate or cold macchiatos.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Currently - January 2021

Linking up (a day late) with Currently at Anne's In Residence to share what's current around here...

beginning // the countdown.  I know they say you shouldn't wish your life away but I really wish I was heading to the airport to pick up Vic.  Soon, soon.

feeling // pretty good about my 10th day into the Whole 30.  I'm investigating keto, meeting with a friend on the 16th to hear all about her journey but in the meantime, the Whole 30 is going well.

organizing // tax stuff.  It's that time of year.  I still need to track down a couple of receipts for our rental property.

resolving // to drink more water, read more books, spend less money - the same things I listed yesterday as the things I should do more this year.  I have such a hard time drinking water during the winter so I fill my water bottle and resolve to drink it with my lunch at work every day.  If I can manage five days out of seven, it's a good start.

wondering // will we get any lowland snow this year?  The mountains look beautiful but a sprinkling for those of us in lower areas would be nice - preferably on a weekend when I'm off work.  Snow Friday night, look beautiful Saturday and most of Sunday, start melting Sunday night so it's gone by Monday.  Snow on demand?  Is there an app for that?

Come on back February 3 for what we're currently lovingreadingrememberingsharing, and wishlisting  Hopefully I'll be posting on the right day next month!