Thursday, February 22, 2024

Around the 'Net


Amy over at Coffee and Cocktails at the Casa had a fun post yesterday, Are We Still Using Pinterest?, so I thought I would give it a try.  After all, Pinterest is on the 'Net, right?

The trend floating around on IG was to search for "celebrity, outfit, quote, and aesthetic".  A couple of my searches came up the same as Amy's so I went with the second photo for each one of those.


Emma Watson aka Hermione Grainger



I love Dr. Seuss!  Click on the graphic for the link.


I've never heard of GrandmaCore, a rising aesthetic trend that’s all about embracing the charm and simplicity of our grandmothers’ lifestyles.  Click on the graphic for the link.

Are you still using Pinterest?


  1. I do not use Pinterest anymore. I used to be SO into it!! Like, it was the worst time drain ever for me though I found some great things on the net because of it :). It is interesting how trends come and go (thinking of grandma core). I guess some people now dub being a housewife or stay at home mom as being a ¨trad wife." That position has always existed but I guess the ¨kids¨ (via TikTok) have come up with a new name for it?

  2. I definitely still use Pinterest but not for any of those things! I mostly use it for recipes, crafting ideas, vacation planning, etc. I recently used it to find my new hairstyle and get some ideas to show my hairdresser. But mostly recipes... lots and lots of recipes (that I only partially follow!).

  3. I don't use Pinterest anymore, but love this trend. I feel like my daughter is into the Grandma-core look and style.

  4. I still love Pinterest! I like to use it for inspiration with cooking, home decor, nail polishes, books, movies, and vacations. It's fun to go there and just pin away while dreaming of what could come someday. I definitely consider it a happy place. I had heard of "grandmacore" but had forgotten about it; there are also playlists called "coastal grandmother". I love all of that stuff and see the appeal! This was fun to read, Pamela!
