Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Favorites


I haven't done a Friday Favorites for a while so here goes.  I have to keep jotting notes down in my diary or I get to Thursday afternoon/evening and think to myself, "What were my favorites this week?" and draw a total blank.

Two for one to start off - we were in Trader Joe's and they had a demo station set up in the corner, their egg salad in little cups with a chip tucked inside to use as a scooper.  Oh, my goodness, what a combo!  I had to put both in my basket right away.  You might not be enthused by dill pickle flavored potato chips, but they are delicious.

I've talked about PBS Passport, PBS' streaming service.  For a $5/month donation, there is so much amazing programming available and this month, PBS is showing Call the Midwife Season 13 to Passport members one month earlier than the scheduled air date.  Instead of mid-March, the first episode was available last weekend and there will be a new episode every Friday.

My new book, any book with an Aga on the Home and Hearth intro page has got to be good!

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. I have never seen a demo station at our Trader Joe´s (but I don´t go very often due to it not being close so maybe I´m there at the wrong time!). What a great way for the store to make sales and the customer to find things they love- a win win! Egg salad is something that never sounds good to me particularly but I always enjoy it when I have it. I hope your book is a good one! Have a great weekend!

  2. I love books like that! I read one this week, based on Amy's recommendation, the one called Njuta. It was okay in my opinion, but I prefer the ones by Fiona Ferris on being "chic" all throughout life. It's not what you think it would be, based on that title, but they're always so good, cheerful, and full of practical advice. I love books like that! The egg salad with the dill chips sounds amazing. I know I would love both! I may have egg salad today with my dad; that sounds so good to me right now. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Gosh, I haven't been to a Trader Joes since my oldest was in a stroller (and he's nearly 20 now!). I can see how that would be a winning combination though.

  4. I have just put that book on reserve at the library. It looks like the perfect book to wrap the winter months up with. And you are tempting me with Passport. I was a member for a long time, but have let it lapse. I just love Call the Midwife so I might renew. Unfortunately, our TJ's stopped giving samples after covid. :( Hope you have a good weekend.

  5. Ahh! I have been writing my favourites throughout the week, adding to my post when I think of something.
    I love Call the Midwife. We get it on a Sunday evening here. I think we have a couple of episodes left of season 13. I cry at almost every episode.

  6. That was a fun read Pamela, thanks for sharing.
