Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 539

From this Side of the Pond

It's Wednesday so it's time to join Joyce for the Hodgepodge.  Click on the graphic for the link.

1. What kind of thinker are you - doer (concrete thinking), analyst (analytical and abstract thinking), orator (logical thinking), inventor (imaginative thinking), or original thinker (creative)? What makes you say so? You can try this little quiz (link here) to help with your answer. 

I took the quiz and I'm 88% an inventor or 75% an original thinker.  I would have thought of myself as more of a doer.

The Inventor: Imaginative Thinking

You tend to think in terms of images.

People who belong to this type have a rich imagination that allows them to imagine things they haven’t seen — either because it’s something from the past or because it’s something that never existed — and express it in their work.

Successful architects, designers, artists, and screenwriters usually belong to this type.

The Original Thinker: Creative Thinking
You have a rare and valuable ability to think creatively.
Creative thinking is the ability to look at problems and situations from a different perspective and find unusual and often surprising solutions.
Creative thinking is a rare skill and is needed in all types of work.

2. Do you own a crock pot, air fryer, and/or instapot? Do you leave said small appliance sitting out? How often do you use it/them? Favorite thing to make in one of these? 

I have an air fryer, this one:

It sits on the counter as it's quite large.  I have a CrockPot and it is kept in a cupboard.  I would say I use each one at least once a week, more often the air fryer as it's so versatile.  My husband makes a spinach-stuffed salmon dish that I bake in the air fryer, and it is delicious.  The air fryer also makes toast and crumpets, bakes potatoes, and reheats pizza.  I use the CrockPot for chili, pot roast, spaghetti sauce, and to cook chicken thighs that we cut up and mix with rice for Malone.

3. What's something you hold a strong opinion on that matters not at all in the grand scheme of things? 

The demise of things like RSVPs to invitations and then actually showing up when you say you will attend an event, thank you notes, beautiful stationery and penmanship, men standing when a woman approaches the table in a restaurant or younger people rising for older people, holding the door open for someone, or giving up your seat on a bus.  People are so concerned with themselves that they don't think of others the way it used to be.  It should matter in the grand scheme of things, but I fear it does not.

4. Describe the view from your window. 

From my office window, I look out onto the backyard and I have a small, diagonal view of the lake beyond.  I have a lot of photos of the front of the house, but not a good shot of the back.

5. Do you have a favorite brand? Explain.

I love The Body Shop beauty products - body wash, facial cleanser, and moisturizer - and for groceries, I do a lot of shopping at Trader Joe's.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I'm drawing a total blank here.  I thought of something a few days ago that I thought would be a great random thought but of course, I can't remember what it was!  They say the mind is the first to go, lol. 


  1. I love your answer to #3 and you are so right. So many of the things you mentioned are important in the grand scheme of life but others feel they don't.

  2. I agree with your answers to question 3. And can relate to you answer to 6, lol. We have an air fryer that stays out on the counter and our crock pot gets used pretty often but it´s in a cabinet. I have never thought about how I think!!

  3. I am with you on life's little. niceties that seem to have fallen my the wayside. Reading everyone's answers today has me thinking maybe I should get an air fryer. Have a great rest of the week!

  4. You made me laugh with the answer to the last question. I took the quiz and I came back a "Doer." Most of the others were all tied, with analyst as the lowest score. Interesting! I completely agree on #3. It makes me sad to see how many old-fashioned manners have disappeared.

  5. So true your response to #3. With the cost of meals at weddings these days it is a shame when people don't RSVP or RSVP and then don't show up! I enjoy shopping at Sur la Table. Happy day to you.

  6. OH yes to #3; all of that!! I am curious about that spinach stuffed salmon.. it sounds yummy. I'm actually making salmon tonight and I'll cook up our up in the air fryer too. We use our air fryer A LOT!

  7. We used to have an air fryer but we haven't used it in awhile!

  8. AMEN to your #3! I was actually bemoaning the demise of Thank-You Notes the other day. I've never tried making salmon at home, but your mention of spinach-stuffed (salmon) sounds mighty intriguing!

  9. I'm definitely not an I liked your answers.

  10. I like your answer to #3. It's a shame that basic etiquette and courtesy isn't practiced very often. Sorry I'm a week late in visiting, and it's now time for another Hodgepodge!
