Thursday, February 15, 2024

Around the 'Net

In anticipation of barbecue weather on the horizon, I found this marinade guide.  It doesn't give any measurements, so you'll just have to wing it. 

I had to laugh, yesterday I thought about this graphic and today I woke up to this:

Looks like we'll be sweeping the snow off the barbecue before we can use it!


  1. We grilled steaks last night, thanks to our Texas winter. The snow looks beautiful.

  2. Ditto on the Texas winter here. This is the time of year that I feel most at odds with everybody many sick and tired of the winter I'm already dreading the summer heat! ;)

  3. ps: I screenshot this graphic too! Thx!

  4. Oh wow! We had snow also but it was just a dusting. I guess barbecue weather is a little ways off yet. Thanks for the interest graphic. That will come in useful.
