Tuesday, February 13, 2024

If this is Tuesday, it must be England #161

Birthday greetings for the upcoming week:

Dame Katherine Patricia Routledge, 95 years old on February 17

Forever immortalized as Hyacinth Bucket ("it's Bouquet!") and the inspiration for my blog.

"You know I love my family, but that's no reason I have to acknowledge them in broad daylight."

HRH The Duke of York, 64 years old on February 19

Always a bit of a wild child, in recent years he's quite beyond the pale.  Makes one wonder why, with all the advantages he has had, he behaved so dreadfully.

FYI, the newspaper headline on the day I was born read "World awaits Britain's royal baby" - who, me? no, wrong baby! 


  1. I'm intrigued by the new netflix drama coming out about Andrew's infamous interview. It really is too bad that he behaved so badly.
