Monday, February 26, 2024

Hello Monday - February 26, 2024


I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah this morning for Hello Monday and a weekend recap.

Pretty quiet day on Friday, started my morning off with coffee and leftover birthday cake with the latest episode of Call the Midwife, and then just the usual round of chores and laundry.  When Vic got home, we headed to church to decorate a table for the Haiti Mission Project Banquet and Dessert Auction that would be held on Saturday evening.

I picked up these silk hibiscuses at Joann's for a steal, on sale and then a coupon on top of that.  I printed out a large size flower and then added some text saying that the hibiscus is the national flower of Haiti.

Two Haiti flags and some little tent cards with facts about Haiti.

On Saturday, Vic headed out to a job fair while I met my Lunch Bunch for our monthly lunch.  I was looking forward to the fish and chips I saw on the menu, but it was disappointing, not photo worthy at all.  It was fun to catch up with everyone and we reminisced about the last time we were all together at this particular restaurant back in September of 2015.

Vic and I headed out to the banquet - this is our table #4 and the envelope contains the funds donated by our table.  Each table's envelope was collected and tallied and then the table that raised the most money got to choose a dessert from those on display and take it back to their table to share with everyone.  Here's just a selection of what was on offer:

Eclair Trifle - it was the first dessert to be snapped up!

This one didn't last long either.

There were a lot of apples in this pie.

Our table had the third highest donation tally.  Vic was our runner (table runners were called in 10 second increments to choose their dessert) and he grabbed this Chocolate Brownie Trifle which was amazing.

It was a wonderful evening and $13,000 was raised for our sister church in Haiti.  Yay team!  Our church hasn't been able to send a team for the last several years due to the volatile situation in Haiti, but the funds will go a long way to provide some much-needed resources.

Up on Sunday to head out to church and then stay for the Membership Meeting.  After that we headed to Costco for a few supplies, got gas, and then headed home.  Vic worked on a few job applications while I sorted negatives to send off to be digitized.

And that was our weekend!


  1. Sounds like a very successful fund raiser and all those desserts look yummy!

  2. What a great fundraiser for a wonderful cause! Those desserts look incredible- Vic did a good job with the trifle, lol. That´s the one that I would have taken as well ;). Have a great Monday!

  3. You did such a great job on your table! I love events like that, ones that are fun and beneficial for God's kingdom. How amazing that you all raised such a large amount of money for your sister church! Those desserts look amazing; no wonder the one that went first was snatched up so quickly! I think I would have liked it, or maybe that trifle. I love a trifle! I'm so glad you enjoyed your weekend, my friend.

  4. Those desserts look so good! What an incredible fundraiser!

  5. It sounds like a lovely weekend.
    That is a shame about the fish and chips, it's always disappointing when you are looking forward to something and it's not good.
    The table is so pretty and wow at those desserts, I would have been very happy with the chocolate brownie trifle. Well done with the money raised.

  6. What a great fundraiser and those desserts are making my mouth water :)
