Monday, February 5, 2024

Prime Purchases February 2024


 It's time for Tanya's Prime Purchases.  I did a lot of shopping in January for a variety of items.

First on the Amazon list were anti-static bags, a  must for mailing off the TV circuit board to be repaired.

My year-long scrapbooking focus is Stories by the Month so I bought this storage box to keep my chipboard pieces separated by month.

When preparing the TV circuit board for mailing, I realized we were out of the shipping labels I always use.

These are large jewelry storage boxes that I used for storing some of our larger but flat ornaments.

It took four reorders of ink and paper to get all of my photos for the retreat printed.  I love being able to print at home.

Vic's been unable to find his favorite coconut water locally so we turned to Amazon.  It's a little more expensive but he's tried every other brand in the stores here and this is the favorite.

Red line tape for scrapbooking those more bulky embellishments.  I buy it in 1/4" and 1/2" and it's very strong.

A seat cushion for the retreat.  No idea what the chairs will be like but I imagine the standard metal conference room type chairs so I'm sure this will come in handy.

Small jewelry boxes for smaller, flat ornaments.

I can't remember who influenced me to buy this spice jar set but I love it.  

This spice drawer organizer set is so handy for the new spice jars.

We each have our own color in my planner.  I am purple so my pens run out of ink faster than Vic's, Sophia's, or Malone's.  I ordered this pack of five to last me a while.

I bought this set of sweater clips - haven't used them yet so stay tuned for a later post to see if they are a winner or a fail.


  1. I use that same red double sided tape and I love how nice and strong it is. How wonderful to be able to print your own photos!

  2. You're post has the second set of spice bottles on the link up this week! I did that a few years ago, and I love how organized it looks!

  3. I like the idea of buying those flat boxes for ornaments too. Spice drawer very clever. I just bought coconut water today. Enjoyed this, fun to see what you bought.

  4. I have an uncontrollable urge to click over to Amazon now. :)

  5. That seat cushion looks like it will be so comfortable. I hope you have a great time at your scrapbooking retreat.
