Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 540

 From this Side of the Pond

It's Wednesday, time for the Hodgepodge.  Click on the graphic to join in.

1. February is coming to a close. Give us a two-word phrase that tells us something about how yours went.

Celebrations galore!  (It was Sophia's birthday, Valentine's Day, my birthday, and our 31st anniversary)

2. If you had to describe how you're feeling right now as an amusement park ride, what ride are you on? Explain. 

I'm on the "It's a Small World" ride at Walt Disney World - slow and steady but with the same old song playing over and over in my head!

3. What's something on your desk or a nearby wall that cheers you up when you see it or walk past?

My IKEA Kallax unit behind my scrapbook desk that holds all my supplies. 

4.  Are you a salad eater? How many salads do you typically eat in a week? Your favorite kind of salad? 

In the winter, I rarely eat salad although since we've been going to our small group on Wednesdays, there is usually a salad as part of the dinner.  In the summer, maybe once a week.  I'm just not a big vegetable or salad eater.  My favorite kind when I eat a salad is the Olive Garden salad or a Caesar salad.

5. Without telling us the category give us your top five ______________. 

Paris and the Heart of Normandy

Rhine Getaway

Romantic Danube

Tulips & Windmills

Christmas on the Rhine

(Do I tell you the category now?  These are Viking River Cruises on my radar)

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This week, I wrote down a random thought so that I'd remember it when it came time to post on the Hodgepodge.  Does anyone else have an issue with the myriad of surveys that are out and about these days?  I can't go to a store or buy something online without getting an e-mail after my visit asking me about the visit.  It's driving me nuts.  I guess that's the customer service of today, constantly needing reinforcement but they are wasting their time with me, I just delete them.


  1. Swooning over your scrapbook storage area! How pretty and organized!! Your February was very celebratory! I hope you enjoyed all of the celebrations :).

  2. Okay, I'm SO going over to the Viking website. Cruising is my favorite, but I've not indulged in years.

  3. I love your scrapbook section! I wanted to do that but end up giving my extra rooms to my grands who live with us while they go to school. I love It's a Small World except for the hard seats. That river cruise sounds great. My friend did that and really enjoyed it. I don't mind the Michael's survey because I usually get a coupon or $5.00 off!

  4. I'm envious of how organized your scrapbooking supplies are. Mine are here there and everywhere, but I'm determined to bring some order to it this year. Everyone's got a survey, and sometimes if you don't fill it out they email you as if you've forgotten. I ordered towels online and got a survey asking how the delivery was. We hadn't even used the towels yet so I didn't fill it out and then they emailed me. I've moved on lol. Have a great day!

  5. Ha! I've been eyeing many of those same Viking river cruises; it doesn't hurt that they keep sending me brochures. I am quite envious of that scrapbooking storage. I miss having my own room dedicated to my crafts...

  6. Yes I get a lot of those surveys too. They don't bother me because I also delete them. However, I do Google Rewards and they pay me for those!

  7. Your scrapbooking area is to die for! The river cruises look so fun - only unpack one time! I hope we will do one someday soon!

  8. What an amazing storage set-up for your craft supplies! That would make me smile as well. I did smile at your answer about the amusement park ride! LOL

  9. I delete them, too. The customer police bug me. Wow...that's an amazing space you have. Love it! What fun to be picking a river cruise. Happy end of February to you.

  10. what fun is your scrapbook stuff...dreamy. Yes...I rarely do the surveys unless I feel they will truly be valuable.
