Monday, August 12, 2024

Life Last Week


I haven't put up a Life Last Week post since before Christmas in July.  It's been a relatively quiet week for me - a haircut and a Zoom for the Creative Memories Croptoberfest launch were really the only things on my calendar.  Vic's been busy working on the deck demolition which is complete.  Now the building will begin.  All of the debris was dropped at the transfer station for disposal.  We're still waiting for the permit to be approved before we purchase all the materials.  I don't doubt that we will get approval; I'm just not sure if there will be any other material requirements and we wanted to do one big order (with one delivery) from the lumber yard.  Had to dig through the photos of when we bought the house to get a full view of the deck so here's the before and after so far.

Deck before

And it's all gone!

Two calendar highlights - a memory popped up on Facebook that it's been a year since I booked our Hallmark Channel Christmas Cruise and hot on the heels of that was the announcement of the upcoming release of the December Daily 2024 products.

We took a break on Friday to join our friends at a local resort and spa for a birthday celebration.  It was a lovely drive, along the Hood Canal, and a beautiful venue.  Lunch was delicious.  

PNW Crab Melt for me and Fish and Chips for Vic

On Saturday our new bed arrived.  The bedroom still needs detexturing and painting, but we can move the bed to the center of the room while that work is being done.

I watched the Olympics Closing Ceremony yesterday afternoon.  A little underwhelming I thought but the Tom Cruise segment was entertaining.  I did enjoy the headlining French band, Phoenix, and it was lovely to see all the athletes celebrating their victories and each other.  

Merci #Paris2024 and On to LA28!


  1. Great job getting that large deck removed! I am impressed and he hasn´t even built anything new yet :). I hope your permit comes soon. We aren´t even at that point with our covered patio project :( (Still waiting on final $$ numbers, then will put a deposit down and then they will apply for permits.) Your food looks really good at that restaurant. Happy Monday!

  2. It sounds like a lovely week.
    Good luck to Vic with the deck, he sure has worked hard to remove the old one. I hope the permit comes through soon.
    Lunch really does look great!
    I missed the Olympic closing ceremony, I only realised it was happening just as I was on my way to bed.

  3. It's amazing what a difference a deck (or a lack of!) can make on a house. I hope the approval goes through soon so you can get all your material ordered. The food looks incredible!

  4. The deck will be a really big job! I didn't realize how big it was. I thought the same about the closing ceremony. In fact, I had left the room because I was bored and Michael called me back in to see the Tom Cruise segment. I also thought the bands on the beach were a fun way to introduce the LA olympics. Have a great week!
