Monday, August 19, 2024

Life Last Week


A little of this and a little of that last week.  Monday and Tuesday were quiet days but then Wednesday kicked off another round of gathering information for the deck project.  In the process of calling the Call before you Dig folks to make sure all utilities were accounted for in the dig zone, we found out we need a public health clearance because we have a septic system.  The detailed plans Vic submitted to the county had to be modified to comply with public health guidelines.  The size of the document was different and what had to be marked out was different.  Really, this is the county and the county public health department, and they couldn't use the same drawings?  Fortunately, public health stamped the clearance approved as soon as we took the new documents into their office; we're still waiting for the county permit before we can begin.

In the meantime, Vic decided to install cabinets in the garage.  He has as many tools as I have craft supplies, so it was time to get them organized.  That involved removing odd pieces of wood that were nailed on to the drywall, insulating, installing new drywall, mudding, sanding, and painting the areas in preparation for the new cabinets.

On Friday, I tuned in to the December Daily live on Instagram for some of the details of this year's release.  More to come. 

The album designs for this year were released and they are gorgeous!

I decided to go through my leftover December Daily supplies from the last seven years to see if anything could go and I think I may have tossed one holiday tag!  I have so much cute stuff and I'm sure I'll use it at some point.

I did think that perhaps I'd go back and work on December Daily for 2016; I started the project in 2017, so I have more than enough supplies to add a few albums to my collection.

A quick trip to the grocery store for my new addiction, yummy squeeze of lime grain-free tortilla chips.  The brand is Siete.

And I couldn't resist a shot of these lovely flowers in all their fall colors glory.

On Saturday, we drove over to Seattle.  The son of one of the couples in our small group has been in the hospital off and on since March.  He was born with spina bifida and had a stroke.  He was not doing well at all and sadly, he died the following day.  It's heartbreaking.

We stopped at the French bakery for some baguettes and pastries for dinner, missed one ferry, and drove south of the city to try another one.  We were more successful with this one and were home in the early evening just before the thunder and lightning started.  It was quite a storm.

Facebook reminded me that the Holiday Grand Plan for 2024 starts on September 1st.  The Holiday Grand Plan combines holiday prep, home organizing and cleaning components. Each week, the Plan focuses on one room or area. Beginning just as the summer ends, you’ll work week-by-week to declutter, clean, and organize each room in your home.  Along the way, the Holiday Grand Plan tackles holiday preparations, too. Whether it’s gifts, decor, or holiday meals, you’ll be organized and ready for the holidays before they arrive.

There are printables here, Holiday Grand Plan Calendars & Checklists – Holiday Grand Plan, and two great Facebook groups for guidance and support, Facebook (Holiday Grand Plan page) and Holiday Grand Planners - Get Organized Community | Facebook.

Sunday found us with friends for a barbecue.  I brought the meat, flank steak and marinated chicken breasts which were so tender and juicy.  Our friend is allergic to onions, so I found this recipe for lemon-garlic chicken.

And to finish up the week, we found a new medical drama series on Netflix which is excellent.

Have a great week!


  1. We have a friend that is allergic to garlic so we always have to make marinades and dressings from scratch when they come over. I bet that marinade was great. So glad the deck has been signed off by both departments now. I am so sorry to hear about the son of the couple that passed away.

    1. Unfortunately, it's just public health that signed off. Still waiting for the county but our application did move one step closer to approval today.

  2. Enjoyed reading about your week! Cabinets in the garage sound like a great idea for Vic's tools. When friends of ours completely redid their kitchen and said they were going to throw out the old cabinets, we asked if we could have a few of them. My husband hung them and we have used them ever since. I'm sorry that your friend's son died. That is a terrible tragedy.

  3. Boy, that Vic is getting stuff DONE! Too bad we're not neighbors, he and Carey sound like two of a kind. Just watching Carey wears me out. :)

  4. I need to start buying Siete brand products. They are way better for you! The ferry sounds like an adventure, but I am so sorry about the friends' son.
    Have a great week!

  5. Oh wow! It sounds like a lot of work has gone into getting the new deck with all of the calls, permits and things being signed off.
    Those Christmas albums really are pretty and I am sure all the crafting things will come in useful at some point.
    Oh no, I am so sorry about the son of your friends.
    The Holiday Grand Plan sounds brilliant for organising your home.
    The Resident is on my list of things to watch which I will get around to eventually but I have just started watching Station 19, the Grey's Anatomy spin off. I am loving it.

  6. That sounds like a lot of paperwork for your deck project! I always see those Siete chips and need to try them. I have the Resident on my Watchlist...looks good. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's son.
