Tuesday, February 23, 2021

If this is Tuesday, it must be England #132

Introducing August Philip Hawke Brooksbank - that's quite a mouthful for such a tiny bundle but what a legacy - August from his 5 x great-grandfather Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel who was the consort of Queen Victoria, Philip from his great-grandfather Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and Hawke from his 5 x great-grandfather on the Brooksbank side.

I had to laugh when I saw this adorable photo on Instagram (taken by the way by the visiting midwife who came to check Master Brooksbank) where someone commented about how chuffed, but knackered (synonym if you're not familiar is exhausted, wiped out), they both looked!  LOL, welcome to parenthood of a newborn.  Been there, done that.

I'm sure it won't be long before there are questions in the media about the beautiful blue blanket - that filigree pattern at the bottom looks exquisite.

Sad that in these COVID days it will be some time before the grandparents and great-grandparents will be able to safely visit.  The Duke of Edinburgh remains in hospital and at 99 years old, I'm sure every precaution is being taken.

And it wouldn't be a post about England this week without a mention of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex who are splashed all over the media again.  What can I say?  I'm disappointed and sad that this is the final outcome.  Sad, but not surprised.


  1. I was just overjoyed to see these beautiful pictures on Instagram last week. I'm so happy for this couple...they seem charming and down-to-earth. "Sad but not surprised" sums up how I feel about the Sussex pair as well. Their reply to the Buckingham Palace statement was so snarky and showed their true colors.

  2. Beautiful family!
    The thing that irks me about the Sussexes is that if they don't want to be a part of the working Royal family, why do they insist on being in the news constantly?

  3. Had missed the good news of the arrival of this baby boy. Would love to see a photo of him with his maternal grandmother. I have always admired Sarah. Thank you for sharing this blessed news.
