Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Currently - July 2024


It's July and we're talking about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, savoring, celebrating, and remembering.  Pop on over to Jennifer's blog and join us.

loving // planning.  I love to plan, to make lists, to check things off as they are completed.  Right now, our trip to Paris (still some time away) and Vic's retirement party are top of the list.  Paris planning is helped along by the great Facebook page and You Tube videos of Les Frenchies where there are lots of questions asked and answered.  I'm learning from everyone else in the group.  Vic's retirement planning is a little more challenging as I try to decide who to invite which will be determined by how many people I think our house will hold comfortably!  July also brings Christmas in July so there's planning to do there as well.

Antoine and Colleen, hosts of Les Frenchies

looking forward to // getting Malone through the fireworks.  For some reason, there was a burst of them on Monday night and he went nuts, barking like crazy.  When we had MudLynn, she just wanted to hide, usually with her face underneath a couch or bed.  Malone wants to bark the fireworks away.  It's going to be a long couple of nights.

savoring // barbecue dinners.  Summer is the time to move the cooking outside.  I'm hoping that Vic will fire up the Blackstone and make a batch of fried rice for the freezer.

celebrating // Independence Day.  It makes me think back to all of our visits to places that played such a huge part in our country's freedom - Valley Forge, Philadelphia, Boston, Yorktown, Williamsburg, and so many more.  I loved living in New England and look forward to a few more trips to explore some of the areas we didn't have time to visit when we lived there.

remembering // Mum.  July brings 21 years since she died, and I still miss her dreadfully.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of something I'd like to tell her, I miss our times together, our phone calls.  So many wonderful memories which are what make me smile now when I think of her. 

And this makes me laugh because it is so Mum.  It makes me think of the first time Mum and Dad met Sophia, in Jacksonville, Florida in 1995, and what a spoiled little girl she was.


  1. What great answers to Currently! Fried rice on the grill (flattop I guess!) sounds so good! I've been really missing my dad, too, so I get that. Happy 4th!

  2. All the planning sounds like fun! The trip and Vic's retirement party.
    Aww! Poor Malone! Fireworks are awful for dogs, the poor things.
    Happy Independence Day for tomorrow and so sorry about your mum. Sending love and hugs.

  3. Oh I think all mums and grandmas are like that! LOL. Fried rice fresh from the blackstone griddle sounds wonderful. I just saw a recipe for a grilled tortellini dish made on the blackstone that looked SO good!
