Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 560

From this Side of the Pond
It's time for the Hodgepodge.  Click on the graphic above to join us.

1. What is an adult problem nobody prepared you for?

Parenting an adult child.  I think worrying began when she was born, and it hasn't let up one bit!  

2. Without mentioning any tech, what's your most prized possession? 

A book of fairy tales I received for my 8th birthday, inscribed by my Dad.  It was a different birthday that year; we moved from California to Belgium and were still in the hotel awaiting housing and our household goods to arrive.

3. It's National Peach Ice Cream Day (July 17th). Will you be celebrating? Do you like peaches? Given a choice would you prefer peach ice cream, peach pie, peach cobbler, or just hand me a peach? Do you own anything that is peach in color? 

Peaches are ok, not my favorite fruit.  I'm not sure I've eaten them any other way than in those little fruit cups that were in my lunchbox.  I don't think I've ever eaten peach ice cream, and peach pie or cobbler don't really appeal to me.  I'm more of an apple pie or cobbler person.  I am racking my brain to remember anything peach in my wardrobe or house and coming up with nothing.

4. What makes a friendship successful?

Loyalty is number one.  Common interests and a sense of humor would be next. 

5. Let's give our brains a rest and do a little summertime this or that...beach or pool? ice cream or snowcone? amusement park or camping? burger or hot dog? watermelon or strawberries? get up early or sleep in late? sunrise or sunset?

Beach or pool?  If I had to pick one, it would be the pool.

Ice cream.  Amusement park.  Burger.  Strawberries.  Get up early and sunrise. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Have you been on a cruise, plan to cruise, or just dream of a cruise?  This gives me the chills:

Cruising the high seas with almost 10,000 other people (7600 maximum capacity + 2350 crew)??  No, thank you.  I took one look at this and decided I'm definitely a small ship type of cruiser.


  1. When my husband and I went on our cruise in January I literally told our travel agent that I wanted a small ship-- no 10,000 strangers with me thank you very much! Ours had maybe 2-3,000 which still feels like a lot but it's much easier to find quiet little tucked away places not near everyone else (and we splurged on a big room because I knew I'd probably spend time in there on the deck in the sun reading quietly by myself!).

    I can't believe you've never had fresh peaches-- they can be hard to find "just right" with a bit of a crispiness to them but also nice and sweet and juicy but a perfect peach is oh so good. Much, much better than the ones in lunchbox fruit cups. I promise. BUT that said I don't like them in any desserts either. Give me apple pie any day!

  2. I love a cruise, but 10,000 sounds like a lot of people!

  3. I have not been on a cruise, but definitely would not want to be on one with 10k other people! I agree that parenting young adults brings its own set of challenges. Who knew?

  4. Ahh! I totally get it, nothing prepares you for parenting and adult child or even teenagers! Take me back to the baby or toddler days. lol
    That books sounds so special.
    I am not a big peach eater, I probably have one every few years.
    I keep watching clips of people on cruises on TikTok and they always look like they're having the best time but at the same time I've seen Titanic and the thought of being on a cruise ship terrifies me.

  5. That´s a lot of people in one contained place floating on, what can be, an unpredictable body of water. That´s a hard pass for me!

  6. I'd like to go on a cruise but not a 10,000 people one! What a preciouse book you have with your dad's inscription.

  7. It's a hard no for me. I love to travel but have no desire to cruise. I very easily get motion sickness and wouldn't want to chance it. And definitely not with that number of people. Have a great rest of the week!

  8. I think I would do a cruise if it was a bunch of friends going but generally, I am not interested!

  9. How sweet to have that book that is inscribed by your father. For whatever reason, cruising has never been on my to do list. :) Happy Hodgepodge. Hope the rest of your week is going well.

  10. Parenting never lets up. That fairy tale books sounds so special. I have never been on a cruise but my son, DIL and grandson were recently and have booked another one for next year on one of those big ships. I have no desire to make a trip like that.
