Monday, July 8, 2024

Share Our Lives 2024 - A Day in the Life, Summer Edition


This month we're sharing A Day in the Life, Summer Edition.  Daily life is pretty laid back here and probably more so in the summer.

8:00am - I'm retired so I sleep late!  Malone eats at 8:00am and then runs out to raise havoc in the backyard.  I should say attempts to raise havoc because the two dogs in the yards that adjoin ours are usually not out and about this early.  So, he does a perimeter patrol (runs the entire perimeter of the yard to check things out), does his business, and then barks a little to see if there's anyone around.

8:30am - Time to start a load of laundry (I've broken it down to one load a day), put Vic's breakfast dishes in the dishwasher and turn it on, and fix myself a cup of coffee and some breakfast.  Today it's a bagel and I'll usually watch an episode of The Great British Baking Show or catch up on some You Tube videos.

10:00am - Put the laundry load in the dryer and head to the shower.  After my shower, it's computer time - blog reading, blog writing, budgeting, anything else that catches my eye (right now that's the current posts on Les Frenchies Facebook page).

11:00am - Malone goes out and then comes in to have his elevenses while I have another cup of coffee.

Looks like Elevenses is one of the seven Hobbit meals!

11:30am - Empty the dishwasher, tidy the room of the day, and whiz the vacuum around.

12:00pm - Time for lunch with more Baking Show or You Tube.

1:00pm - Fold laundry load and put it away.  Ran a few errands - post office, library, and fruit and vegetable stand.

2:00pm - Start prepping dinner.

Between 3:00pm and 4:00pm - Vic comes home so we have coffee and something sweet while watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy.  We're in Season 17 now.

5:00pm - Malone eats dinner.

6:00pm - Dinner time.  Tonight, it's whatever takes our fancy.  Hotter days, lighter meals.

Between 7:00pm and 9:00pm - Vic walks Malone once the neighborhood dogs are off the streets and then he works some more on the project of the moment (deck planning) while I tidy the kitchen.

10:00pm - Time for bed.  This is Vic's last week of work - he goes on leave this Friday for 2 1/2 months and then starts his new job. 

This would be my usual routine, but all activity is suspended this week for Wimbledon.  That means sandwiches or Vic cooks dinner and only the most necessary things are done around the house.  There will be lots of tea drinking (in the air conditioning), cucumber sandwich eating, and strawberries with lashings of cream!

Join us on the 2nd Monday of each month - here are the upcoming topics.


  1. I love that all activity was suspended this week for Wimbledon. Needs must, right? Have a great Monday!

  2. That sounds like a lovely day in the life!

  3. What an interesting post (but then again all your posts are). Enjoy your vacation with Vic until he starts his new job

  4. Don't forget the Pimms! I wish I'd planned ahead and participated in this one. I enjoy these DITL posts.

  5. I love that your days are laid back. You do right sleeping late, you've earned it!
    I have just realised that The Great British Baking show is the same one I watch but here it's called The Great British Bake Off. I love it.
    My youngest is on Hobbit meal times now that she has finished college for the summer! She never stops eating. lol

  6. Looks like a great day. Thanks for linking up with us!
