Thursday, October 26, 2023

Monthly Musings - October 2023

It's the last Thursday of the month and tht means it's time for Monthly Musings.  I'm joining Patty and Holly for some Thanksgiving prep. 

1.  What are your Thanksgiving plans?  Unfortunately, this year I'm having knee surgery the week before Thanksgiving.  Sophia only has Thanksgiving Day off and it's too far for her to come home and go back in one day so we'll be having a FaceTime Thanksgiving.  We'll have dinner at home (TBD if I feel like cooking or Vic does it!) and Sophia will cook for herself and her roommate who has a shift at work on Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving at Sophia's in 2021 when Vic was in Maryland - he spent the holiday with friends from his former command

2.  Favorite Thanksgiving dish?  Please share recipe.  I'm very much a semi-homemade cook so many of our Thanksgiving recipes are super easy.  I do make green bean casserole every year, it's Vic's favorite, and I change it up by using Cream of Mushroom with Roasted Garlic Soup, adding a can of mushroom pieces and stems, and holding off on the onions until about five minutes before the casserole comes out of the oven.  That way, they are crisp and golden and not mushy inside the casserole.

3.  Best food prep tips.  I do as much as I can the day before.  If we're having guests, and multiple serving dishes will be involved, I put Post-it notes on each one to remember what goes where.

4.  Favorite Thanksgiving traditions?  Watching the parade in the morning while playing Parade Bingo and decorating the tree as soon as the turkey platter goes in the dishwasher!

5.  Turkey?  Ham?  Other?  Both?  Turkey, usually a boneless breast that goes in the CrockPot.  We never ate turkey at home so my experience cooking a turkey was limited.  I did it once and it was a disaster.

6.  Apple pie?  Pumpkin pie?  I love pumpkin and Vic loves pecan so we usually have both.

7.  Football or family movie?  Family movie while we're decorating, probably one of these as there will be plenty in the DVR.

8.  Stuffing or dressing?  Dressing because I don't have anything to stuff.  We still call it stuffing though!

9.  Turkey trot or Thanksgiving parade?  Thanksgiving Parade.

When we lived in Rhode Island, we took a bus trip from the base to New York for the parade.

After the parade, we strolled around sightseeing until it was time to meet the bus.  It was nice not to have to drive or park.

10.  Have you ever done a Friendsgiving?  One year we invited an Italian sailor who was stationed on Vic's ship so I guess that qualifies as a Friendsgiving.


  1. I hope all goes well with your surgery! Parade bingo sounds like a lot of fun. We typically only add the onions to the top of our green bean casserole too because I only like the crispy ones and not the mushy ones.

  2. That was nice of you to invite an sailor from your husband´s ship to have Thanksgiving with you. Knee surgery does not sound fun! I hope tat goes well. Sending a virtual hug and meal to you!

  3. Prayers and well wishes for your surgery and an easy recovery!

    Growing up, holiday dinners were so stressful because my mother tried to do everything herself and from scratch. I say keep it simple and stress at a minimum! :) Kasey and Beau do the dinner at their house, and all I have to take are the pumpkin and pecan pies.

  4. I hope all goes well with your surgery. And I really need to make a green bean casserole at some point because it sounds sooooo good!
