Tuesday, March 9, 2021

If this is Tuesday, it must be England #133


I watched the interview last night, thought about it overnight and today, but I don't really feel any differently than I did after listening to Prince Harry and Meghan vilify his family with vague accusations, and with misty eyes, frequent references to Diana, and the revelation that Meghan had been almost suicidal, it was the most attention-seeking performance I've seen in a long time.  I'm disappointed and pretty angry.  I'm an old school monarchist, I believe in the tradition of the Royal Family, in their sense of duty, in what they stand for in the history of England, and how something as simple as a visit from one of them can do wonderful things for an organization or charity.  They may not be as modern as some would like, and at times some members have been less than tactful in their comments but to say that the family changed after Harry and Meghan's trip to Australia, that there is jealousy at play here, seems rather over-dramatized to me.  A little of the chip on the shoulder going on definitely. 

One of the first things Meghan said astounded me, that she didn't understand what the job was going to be like.  Seriously?  In this day and age?  Where has she been the last ten or fifteen years?  The goldfish bowl that is the life of the Royal Family has been written about in newspapers, magazines, and dramatized on television.  Did she really think she was going to marry her handsome prince and live happily ever after without anyone paying any attention to what she did, or said, or wore?  That she could do what she wanted when she wanted?  I don't call that naïve, I call it a convenient excuse to justify walking away.

There were a lot of things said last night that will take years to heal, if healing is even possible.  Prince Charles and Prince William are trapped?  The monarchy is controlled by the fear of the press?  Kate made her cry (where are we, in the nursery now?).  It was interesting to see that Prince Harry rushed to make sure that the allegations of racism against his son, the comment about his skin color, was not attributed to The Queen or The Duke of Edinburgh.  He is not quite ready to burn that bridge.

What we've ended up with is a circus.  The media will be all over this for days, even weeks to come.  It's appalling.

A little fact that seems to have escaped both Harry and Meghan - Rules established by King George V in 1917 limited the number of royal highnesses in the British monarchy, and they still determine who gets the title of prince or princess.  Their son, Archie, is not a prince for that simple reason.  He could become a prince when his grandfather, Prince Charles, becomes King but we'll see what happens then.

In the meantime, Harry and Meghan, you wanted out and now you're out so move on, make a life for yourselves, and show some dignity.  Tell-all (or almost all) interviews benefit no-one and hurt many.  Did you really feel better in the morning after having this little chat with Oprah?


  1. Oh oh I loved reading every word of this- you put my thoughts in writing- you are the expert too which makes me feel a little bit better about the way I am thinking right now- I have some pity for her/him but you explained everything logically and I would have to agree!

  2. Ditto - totally agree. Not to mention them making these statements living in a life of luxury while so many are struggling during the pandemic.

  3. Well said. Talk about not living in the real world...

  4. I couldn't decide what to make of it all. Except I cannot imagine that Meghan didn't have some idea about what royal life would be like. And what she couldn't imagine, I would think Harry could have enlightened her on.

  5. Have not watched the interview so can't now either. Howver, they are not 'normal' people living in a regular house... sooo... boohooo.... of course she had to know what marrying a prince was about.
