Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Currently - April 2024


Today we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, buying, planting, and cleaning.  Pop on over to Jennifer's blog and join us.

loving // the longer, lighter days.  On the days when there is a little sunshine thrown in, it's beautiful.

looking forward to // at the risk of jinxing it, I'm looking forward to a scrapbook event this weekend.  It's just one day but it's fun to get together with others and scrapbook.  My topic is Home Sweet Home, buying our home, settling in, making changes, making it our own.  Here are a couple of shots of Vic at work.

buying // not much.  I'm on a bit of a no-spend as we're off to Seattle next month for an appointment and I'd like to have as much as I can put aside for a little spending spree in the city.

planting // green things, nothing I'm afraid.  I'm hopeless with plants and thankful that our yard is mostly green grass and that we have a great guy to keep it tidy.

cleaning // dog hair, endless dog hair.  The chore has lightened considerably, however, now that I have the EyeVac to sweep the hair into easily.

A short post this month and just a couple of photos as I totally forgot it was Currently today.  I'm a bit preoccupied with the A to Z, hope you're enjoying it.


  1. I really like this idea of loving, looking forward to, buying, planting and cleaning. I'm going to think of this list every morning to help me get through each day in a more elegant manner.

  2. Oh! I like this one! I am constantly cleaning and planting and buying.. maybe I will join in one day!! What kind of dogs do you have?!

    1. Just one, a four-year-old Australian cattle dog mix we adopted from the humane society six months ago. There's a photo of him in my Hello Monday - April 1, 2024 post.

  3. I hope you have a great time at your scrapbooking event!

  4. Oh, the dog hair! UGH. It's my never ending nightmare. I can't wait to hear more about this Seattle trip coming up! I don't blame you for wanting to save your money this month so you can have some to spend for the trip. I hope your scrapbooking event turns out to be fun for you!

  5. Your scrapbook theme sounds like such a good one! How neat will it be to have documented all that you´ve done in your house. I sure hope the event happens for you!

  6. I am loving the longer days although I keep losing track of time on an evening thinking it can't almost be 7pm, it's still light!
    Have a fab time with the scrapbook event.

  7. Ah, the never-ending dog hair!! I hear you....we have our "granddog" visiting. Love her - but no the hair!
