Sunday, July 28, 2024

Christmas in July - Day Twenty-Eight


The final ornament post of this year's Christmas in July is also along the lines of our travel courtesy of the Navy, this time through the NFL.

I started off with the San Francisco 49ers, from my time in California, still the longest place I've ever lived (12 years)...Army brat, Navy wife, hopping all over the USA and the world.

Next up is the Jacksonville Jaguars from our days in Florida.  We actually made it to a game about six months before we left.

The Chicago Bears for our time in Illinois although we didn't make it to a game while we were there.

Virginia was up next, but we don't have an ornament from there.  The closest NFL team would have been the Washington Redskins, now the Washington Commanders.  As soon as we moved to Rhode Island, however, a New England Patriots ornament adorned our tree.  Sophia is still a die-hard Patriots fan, even though Tom Brady has moved on.

And finally, a stock photo for the Seattle Seahawks as I don't seem to have a photo of it yet.

It's a great collection to have as another reminder of our travels.  I have to close by saying that we are actually faux fans, not football fans at all, but have rooted for the home team wherever we lived at the time!

1 comment:

  1. Faux fans! Funny!! WOW, to the longest place you have lived being twelve years! What a unique, interesting life story- to have moved a lot as a child due to your dad being in the military and then marrying a military man. Very cool to have all of those experiences and to learn to adapt to lots of change.
