Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 562

 From this Side of the Pond

It's time for the Hodgepodge.  Copy and answer the questions, click on the graphic, and add your link.

1. What is a childhood habit or preference you will never outgrow? 

Waking up super early on Christmas morning.  When I was a child, my parents always locked the living room door (where the tree was) so I couldn't get in there.  We spent a few years where I was up at the crack of dawn, waking everyone else up, and we were all cranky by 9:00am!  Locking the door kept me out and let everyone rise at a reasonable hour.  Now that I'm an adult, I still get up early, but I make myself a cup of coffee, turn on the tree lights, and spend a quiet time reflecting on the season.

2. Did you know July is beans month? What's your favorite bean? Your favorite recipe that calls for beans? When it comes to chili are you team beans or team no beans?  

I like most beans - kidney beans, black beans, baked beans, Great Northern beans, green beans.  My favorite recipe would be green bean casserole made with Cream of Mushroom with Roasted Garlic (really ups the flavor) and with the French-fried onions sprinkled on top in the last five minutes (never added to the casserole mixture).  I'm definitely Team Beans in chili.

3. Some historical figures have a tag line after their name, something like 'the brave' or 'the wise' or 'the mad'...what would your tag line be? Explain why? 

Pamela the Extravagant - most likely a reference to a lot of my spending, but also to my extravagant love for my family and friends.

4. The way to my heart is through small but meaningful moments - holding my hand, surprising me with a bouquet of flowers, planning a special outing

5.  The calendar rolls into August this week, but before we go give us four adjectives that describe your July. 

Festive (Christmas in July), constructive (plans for the new deck are in full swing), sad (saying goodbye to a friend who moved to Florida), emotional (watching the end of Vic's 30-year career).

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Please STOP with the Olympics-bashing.  Ok, so you didn't like the Opening Ceremonies but is that really an excuse for saying "I won't be watching".  Really??  These young (for the most part) athletes have been training for years and deserve our loudest cheers!

Go Team USA!  Go Team GB!  Go Team Germany!  Go Team Philippines!


  1. I did hear about the opening ceremony- it sounds next level degenerate and I have not watched a minute of Olympics... but the two are not related! I have not turned the TV on at all- in fact I have no idea what channel they are on! Agree about beans and chili and beans in general- yes please! I like your tag line answer. Have a great day!

  2. My sister was the one that would wake us all up Christmas morning; I still usually get woken up by someone else. We have a balcony that looks over our living room so as soon as our boys were able to distinguish numbers on a clock we told them they had to stay in bed until at least 6 on Christmas morning and stay upstairs but we'd hear them sneak up to the railing and look over.

    I love a good green bean casserole!

  3. I feel sorry for the athletes that have trained so hard to get to where they are and hearing all the negativity around the Olympics.

  4. That was me and my sisters on Christmas morning. I'm still a bit that way truth be told lol. My parents used to tell us we could not come out of our rooms until the street lights went off, so we'd all pile in my brother's room and wake him up to wait with us. Extravagant is a great word! Have a nice day!

  5. For years, I hated green bean casserole until my DIL made it. I then perfected it by using fresh garlic, and it's definitely a game-changer! That chili looks good.

    Yes, it's sad for the athletes, but I love my Lord and Savior more.

  6. There are so many habits from childhood that are being shared that I still do, too, but didn't remember them until I've read the hodgepodge answers. I still get up early on Christmas, too. Meaningful adjectives for your month of July. Hope things go well for hubby in retirement or a different vocation. Happy last day of July to you.

  7. What sweet memories from childhood Christmas that you carry on today! I agree with you about the Olympics. I usually really enjoy the Opening Ceremonies, especially the parade of nations, but wasn't able to watch this year. I'm very disappointed but not surprised at the inappropriateness I've heard about, BUT I am still watching the sports I'm interested in and cheering for the athletes that have worked so hard to get there. Hope you're having a great week!

  8. I agree about the Olympics. People are missing out on some amazing events. I always put some of the french fried onions into the casserole . . .I might like it better the way you make it!

  9. I love getting up early on Christmas as well. I do a from scratch version of the traditional GB casserole and it's always a hit. I watched the Olympics...I may not have cared for the Opening ceremonies, but I'll support the athletes 100%
