Thursday, July 25, 2024

Monthly Musings - July 2024


1.  Summer travel - where have you been and what trips are still coming up?  Nowhere and none.  Vic is on terminal leave for two months (I know, the first thing everyone seems to think of is a terminal illness (!) but it's actually the leave he has on the books that he has to use before his official retirement date) so we're having a deck-a-cation.  Vic is going to demolish and rebuild our deck which has so far included lots of trips to Lowe's and the local lumber yards to check out needed supplies and the all-important decking materials.  I think he's made the final decision, I reached "Whatever you think is best, honey" a long time ago!

2.  Favorite things you have done so far this summer - celebrated with Vic on his last day at work after a 30-year career and celebrated again when his new job opportunity was finalized.  We celebrated the completion of the kitchen electrical outlet project and kudos to Vic for a great job (the inspector's words).  We got together with friends on Juneteenth (since everyone was off) work for a barbecue which was a lot of fun.  I celebrated Christmas in July with like-minded Christmas pals.

3.  Share your go-to outfits this summer - I seem to be living in something like this dress.

It's 100% cotton and comes in several patterns and lengths.

Going out of the house, I'm usually in one of these dresses.

I have this one in several patterns.

4.  Summer accessories you are never without - sunglasses!  I seem to be squinting at the slightest ray of sunshine, so I am never without my sunglasses.

5.  Share your go-to shoes this summer - anything from Vionic, these are currently on my wish list.
6.  Share anything spontaneous you did this summer, big or small - booked an Alaska Cruise for 2026!

7.  Have you seen any summer movies this year?  No, last time we went to the cinema was in April for The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.

8.  Favorite summer sweet treat - strawberries and cream.  I'd rather be eating them at Wimbledon, but I'll have to be content with having them at home!

9.  Summer slowdown or ready for fall - SO ready for fall.  We haven't had too many unbearable days, if it's too hot, I just stay home in the air conditioning, but I would so rather be at home with a pumpkin spice latte, a blanket, and a movie full of fall foliage.

10.  Ready for back to school, if you have kids in school - not any longer, Sophia has long since moved on from school.  I do miss the lead-up to a new term or semester, shopping for school clothes and school supplies, seeing her new class schedule.  Fun times.


  1. I can relate to your deck project. We are doing an outdoor patio project and I am making zero of the decisions (my husband is happy to take the lead and I am happy he is!). I forgot to mention sunglasses as I wear them all the time; however they aren´t just used in the summer for me but year round. I want to go on an Alaskan cruise!! Looks like another vacation I will be on vicariously through you :).

  2. I have a pair of Vionic flip flops and I loved them. They seem to have worn down a lot now after 3 years so I foresee a new pair in my future.

  3. Oh that "whatever you think is best, honey" stage made me laugh. My step father is a general contractor and my mother and our whole family pretty much grew up with that mentality! LOL. I'm sure the new deck will look lovely. I have always wanted to try an Alaskan cruise and came darn close right as we found out we were pregnant with our first.

  4. LOVE Vionics and they are so good for your back! Happy Retirement to your sweet hubby :)

  5. An Alaska Cruise! enjoy they say it is one of the best cruises.

  6. Oh an Alaska cruise sounds amazing. Thanks for joining us!


  7. An Alaskan cruise sounds incredible!!! And enjoy your new deck!
