Thursday, May 23, 2024

Around the 'Net


It's really amazing what you can find on an Internet search.  This McDonald's menu is from 1967, the year we lived in San Jose, California while my dad was in Vietnam.  I'm not sure if I've included this story before or not, forgive me if it's a repeat.

July 4th was coming, and my friend Linda and I covered our garage door with paper.  I think it must have been butcher block paper or something similar to that.  We set to work coloring a giant American flag.  Just as we were finishing up, a small sports car, a convertible, pulled up the curb and a man hopped out (hopped as in jumped over the door).  He approached us, thanked us for our patriotism, and handed us each a voucher for a hamburger, French fries, and a milkshake at the local McDonald's.  Then he hopped back in the car and drove off.

I'm not sure I'd ever been to McDonald's before this point.  I was 7 years old and had lived in Germany, Boston, Norway, San Francisco, and Chico, California.  My Dad was a junior enlisted soldier, Mum was a housewife, and we lived modestly.  Fast food just wasn't a thing in our lives then.  So, Mum and Linda's Mum took us down to McDonald's and we enjoyed every bite of our hamburger and French fries and loved the milkshake.


  1. That is a neat story! When I was a child, we, too, hardly ever ate out at restaurants, even fast food ones like McDonald´s. One day, one of my mom´s friends took me out to McDonald´s for lunch and told me that I could get whatever I wanted from the menu. I was thrilled and took her up on it because I was certain she was rich and could therefore afford it (though she was actually just middle class, we were poor so she seemed rich to me, lol). You lived in some amazing places!

  2. I don't think I was ever at a McDonald's until after I graduated high school. :)

  3. Such a great story! I saw a recent thing on the internet about how much fast food prices have gone up over the past few years. It's crazy. We also rarely went out to eat at any restaurants when I was growing up.
