Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 553

 From this Side of the Pond

1.  Growing up, at what age did you think you'd become an adult?  At what age did you actually become an adult?

I suppose 18 years old.  You can vote, drink alcohol (in the UK where we lived at the time), do other things that I can't think of right now.  I got married at 18 so I guess I actually became an adult then although in hindsight, I was divorced by the time I was 21 so maybe 21 or older should be when I actually became an adult.

2.  What's a favorite item you've bought this year?

We finally found chairs for the morning room that we both liked.

3.  May 28th is National Hamburger Day...are you a fan?  If so, how do you like yours?  When was the last time you had a hamburger?  Besides the backyard grill, what's your favorite place to go for a burger?

Yes, I love hamburgers.  I take mine "not pink" which I guess is the best food-safe option and with mayo, lettuce, onion, and pickles.  I had a hamburger about a week ago when we went to a local eatery.  We have a couple of good spots in our area for hamburgers.

4.  How have your priorities changed over time?

Until I was 18, my priorities were me, myself, and I, having fun, no real responsibilities, setting my own agenda.  I worked but it was 9 to 5 and then my time was mine.  When I got married, my priorities switched to us since we were a couple then and I wasn't on my own agenda any longer.  Then I got divorced and was back to me with a little more responsible behavior.  I was single for about ten years and then I met Vic and we got married and had Sophia, so it was all about family at that point, my immediate family as well as my extended family as my parents were getting older.  My priorities changed over time depending on who was in my life.

5.  What's one thing on your June calendar you're really looking forward to?

The Medieval Fair is coming in June so we're looking forward to a day out with the lords, ladies, and knights of the realm.  We haven't been since 2015.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

I got my "xx days until we set sail" stickers in the mail today and put them in my planner.  Anyone else planning a cruise in 2024?


  1. I like my burgers not pink too. How exciting to have gotten some countdown stickers for your cruise!

  2. The chairs are so pretty and how exciting to have a countdown to your cruise. I will cruise vicariously through you in your recaps :).

  3. We are cruising in the fall!! I haven't been on a cruise since I was about 20 years old. I'm excited! I enjoyed your answers today!

  4. You did not overthink the question : ). I like reading thoughtful answers. So fun to have a trip on the calendar. Enjoy your day!

  5. I felt like an adult when I turned 18 but now I am 44 there are some days where I don't feel like an adult at all, especially when I am with my dad.
    That chair is beautiful and the Medieval Fair looks like fun.

  6. Cruises are fun. We are thinking of going this winter. We loved Alaska! Have fun counting the days!

  7. The medeival fair sounds like fun! Your cruise sounds fun...where will you go?

  8. That looks like a comfy chair. The Medieval fair sounds like fun. So...where are you cruising to?

  9. The chair looks lovely, and how exciting about your countdown to cruise reminder! I wish we could do a cruise, but it won't happen in 2024. Maybe next year! Hope you have a great week!

  10. I'll take a more well done burger (especially if it is smash) but prefer it juicy! Honestly, I'll eat ANY burger.

  11. I have always wanted to go to a Medieval Festival.
    Have a great countdown... :-)

  12. I like the chairs you got. What a pretty pattern.
