Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 552

 From this Side of the Pond

1.  What are you currently juggling in your life?

Appointments for me and for Vic.  I still have a few appointments left for my work injury (right knee) and Vic has about a dozen appointments with the VA.  When you retire from the Navy (or other military, I'm sure), your medical record is reviewed (in Vic's case, 30 years of records) and independent evaluations are set up to determine to what extent your medical conditions are related to your military service.  It's a long process, often requiring a drive of some distance, to various doctors and medical facilities.  If an appointment is over on the Seattle side, I usually go with him (I'm the navigator, lol).

2.  How often do you buy new clothes?  What was the last piece of clothing your purchased?

Rarely these days.  I seem to have a working wardrobe (for a retired person) that works.  I think the last time I bought something was a pair of Wit and Wisdom jeans from Nordstrom.  I love the brand, bootcut.

3.  What food festival would you most like to attend?  If you need help here are links to some of the bigger and more popular food events around the world - 
This one is on our radar - 

We've missed it every year we've been in Washington for one reason or another.  This year is our year!

4.  May is the 5th month of the year.  Tell us something you remember about your 5th grade year.

I was at SHAPE American Elementary School in Mons, Belgium for 5th grade.

My teacher was Miss Fowlkes who looked scary but was really a sweetheart.  My best friends were Myra (second row, second from left), Anita (second row, second from right), and Jennifer (front row center in green turtleneck) and I had a crush on Gordon (top row, third from left).

5.  What are your favorite five words right now?

Patisserie, organization, declutter, travel, and cozy.

Insert your own random thought here.

Who knew that you could add pasta to something in the CrockPot?  I must have missed that memo.  I made a pasta sauce the other day, simmering it on low all day.  About 30 minutes before dinner, I turned it on high, added uncooked penne, and hey presto, that's all it took to cook the penne and have the whole dish ready to serve.  Has anyone ever tried it with another type of pasta?


  1. I love that trick of adding pasta to the crockpot; that's how I make my chicken noodle in the crock pot! We've tried it with all sorts of pasta too-- noodles, ditalini, spaghetti (that you have to break), lasagna noodles (again, I break them) when we make our lasagna soup.

  2. Your hair color in 5th grade was so pretty- I don´t know if that would be considered strawberry blonde or not. I made lasagna soup in the crock pot last winter. It required adding lasagna noodles (broken up, if I remember correctly).

  3. Once way back when we were in Sequim and the kids got to dig for Dungeness Crab, that was fun for them! Our son-in-law deals with the VA for lots of medical stuff because of his service in Afghanistan. Persistence seems to be the key for getting what you need. Sounds like 5th grade was a good year for you. Such a cute photo!! Hope you have a peaceful Memorial Day weekend.

  4. I've seen those recipe where you put pasta in a crock or insta pot but I haven't ever done it. It always thought it would either be undercooked or soggy.

  5. I'm impressed that you could find your 5th grade pictures for the blog post! I have never tried pasta in the crockpot, but I'll have to check it out.

  6. My daughter makes lasagne soup and adds the noodles to the crock pot. It's delicious! Good luck with all your appointments. Navigating the government systems is always a challenge. You'll get there though. Have a nice weekend!

  7. Oh gosh! It sounds like such a big thing Vic's medical record being reviewed. I hope it's all completed soon.
    The crab festival sounds interesting and I love your 5 favourite words.
    I knew that about adding pasta to the crockpot. It makes it so much easier and less pots to wash.

  8. That festival sounds fun. We were in Port Angeles in April for a few days. We'll be heading there in July to take the ferry over to Victoria.
