Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 550

 From this Side of the Pond

1. Did you watch the Kentucky Derby this past weekend? Have you ever been to a horse race? Ever ridden a horse? Did you enjoy it? Have you ever been to Kentucky? Do you like Bourbon? 

No, I didn't watch the Kentucky Derby, but I think I would have liked to watch.  I'll have to investigate what streaming service carries it.  No, I don't remember ever going to a horse race.  Yes, but never want to repeat the adventure.  It was too frightening to that high off the ground on something that had a mind of its own so no, I didn't enjoy it.  No, I've never been to Kentucky.  I once had bourbon in a Blackberry Bourbon Mule which was delicious.

2.  What's something you wish you'd placed in a time capsule fifteen years ago? 

I have a time capsule from 1994 - I made it when my daughter was born and included a JC Penney catalog, so it was interesting to see the fashions from 30 years ago.  From 15 years ago, I suppose I'd include a newspaper and a popular magazine as well as a grocery store flyer to see how much prices have changed.

3. Are you adventurous? Elaborate. 

Sort of.  Not in the outdoorsy sense since I don't like bugs or heat or really trekking anywhere where I might find a snake, a bear, or a mountain lion but I'm up for any other travel adventure.  We often take off on weekends, just pick a direction and drive or head to a historic spot that we haven't visited before, and I'd hop on a plane in an instant to head to anywhere in Europe.  Does that count?

4. Something you want to make this year? It can be a new recipe, craft, diy project, a milestone you've set for yourself...anything at all. 

We're still in the midst of some home renovation so I'd like to make sure that it's all done before it's time to decorate for Christmas.  We haven't had full-on Christmas decorating in this house since 2019.  A personal milestone?  Lose weight, of course, since we're off on a cruise later this year and I would love to be a couple of dress sizes smaller.

5. Cinco de Mayo was also celebrated this past you like Mexican food? If so what's your favorite dish? Have you ever been to Mexico?  Margarita - yes or no?

I love Mexican food; enchiladas are my favorite and just about anything with guacamole.

I've never been to Mexico and quite frankly, with all the travel advisories and negative news reports that pop up now and again, it's not on my travel list.  Margarita - yes, please!  Love this mix for quick and easy margaritas at home.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

What's with public near-nakedness?  The photos from this year's Met Gala are appalling.  Is it for the shock factor, who was the most outrageous so they can have their picture most prominent in the news and magazine publications (with strategically placed blurring to preserve some modesty)?  I'm a firm believer in leaving something to the imagination but that was not the case for many of the celebrities this year!


  1. Maybe I'll have to try making enchiladas next; we've never had those!

  2. I have heard of the Kentucky Derby but have never watched it. I was going to say I've never tried Bourbon but I am sure Jack Daniels is a Bourbon. I don't like it but it's my fellas favourite alcoholic drink.
    I would have loved to have kept catalogues from when I was a girl just to show my girls how much everything has changed.
    I think the Met Gala is ridiculous, everyone tries to be the most outrageous and it's just getting silly now.

  3. I know what you mean about the Met Gala. Yikes- I guess we have pushed so many boundaries as a society that to be truly edgy, one must be literally almost naked. That is neat that you have a time capsule from 1994. I have saved a few of my favorite catalogs and I have the day´s newspaper that each of my kids was born. I like that you did an actual capsule.

  4. I'm with you; there's really something to subtlety, in both fashion and things like music, etc.

  5. Hi,
    I love that you actually did a time capsule. I should do one.
    I have items saved from over the years, news stories, what was popular and all. I should actually make one up. :-)

    Have a great week!

  6. We always talk about time capsules but very few people actually make one. That sounds like a fun thing I might do with my grandchildren one of these days. Your enchildadas look delish!

    1. Thanks, but not mine, pulled a photo off the Web!

  7. I've never watched the Derby as it's not a very big deal here in Texas. I agree about the fashions at the Met Gala. The red carpet is not what it used to be!

  8. I'm with you on not enjoying the near-nakedness so prevalent these days. I'm also with you on the adventure down side of snakes, bears and bugs...oh my. Oh and heat, too. That is probably one of the many reasons we enjoy traveling to the U.K. I hope your home is all set and ready to decorate at Christmas! You had some great ideas on what to put in a time capsule!! Happy Hodgepodge.

  9. I love Kentucky! When I was four, my first airplane ride was to Kentucky. Our vacation last summer was to Kentucky also; a very dear friend lives there, so I have been many times over the years, but never attended the Derby. I don't drink much bourbon, but I make a mean Bourbon Chocolate Pecan Pie for every holiday!

    Been to Mexico many times too, but not in the past 40 years or so. We used to take visiting family to Mexico border towns as a day trip, and I loved to shop the markets there. Sadly would not go now. Still love the food!

  10. Oh, that blackberry bourbon mule sounds really good. I enjoyed your answers.
