Monday, May 13, 2024

Life Last Week - May 13, 2024


I'm making a few changes to my blog posts.  I have been linking up with Hello Monday, but it is quite a large link party and I feel badly some weeks when I just can't visit the other blogs and comment.  So, I'm bringing back Life Last Week as a weekend recap.

Friday was my doctor's appointment in Seattle.  Not really an appointment, it was an independent medical evaluation of my work injury (right knee).  The doctor told me he wasn't making any recommendations, he was merely preparing a report for the Department of Labor.  Not sure why that is necessary but I'm sure I'll get something in the mail to tell me why it was.

The ferry schedules have been up and down here lately due to maintenance and staffing issues, so we took the 8:45am ferry for my 11:00am appointment.  It worked out well, the ferry ride was an hour and then we drove up to Pike Place Market and parked there.

Coffee drinking is taken very seriously in Seattle

I thought the doctor's office was only a block away, in the 100 block of an adjacent street but it was actually in the 800 block, suite 100 so we trekked up eight blocks.  It was a good thing we had plenty of time.  The appointment took about 30 minutes, and we trekked back down the eight blocks, stopping at Nordstrom to see if they had the watch Vic wanted (they did not).

When we got to Pike Place Market, we stopped at one of our favorite kitchen stores, Sur La Table, for a little browse and then went around the corner to the amazing French bakery, Le Panier, for lunch. 

Who knew there were so many combinations of measuring cups?  We ended up with a box that you can barely see at the bottom, a set of eight (1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 1, 1 1/2, and 2 cups)

A "chicken water" jug

I couldn't resist this London spatula

Jambon et Beurre for me and the Toulonaise for Vic (aka ham and butter, tuna)

A Napoleon and Tarte aux Marions (marionberry tarte, Vic's favorite)

A little stroll through the market and we were back at the car.  It was a scorching day, made worse by all the concrete in the city center, so it was nice to turn on the air conditioning.  We headed for the freeway and drove to the big mall south of the city.  Still no luck finding Vic's watch, so we just picked up an order from The Container Store (a bracket for the office closet) and then headed down to Rockler for Vic to exchange an item he bought last time we were over this way.  Then it was time to head back to the ferry, a different ferry that takes us closer to home, and we were home by 5:00pm.  Malone had been alone for nine hours and he did just fine.  He was excited to see us and so Vic took him for a walk which he loves.

Dinner was fish and chips from a local eatery.  It was meh.  We're working our way around our local area, looking for the best fish and chips.  So far, the best one is the farthest away, isn't that life?

Saturday was a lazy day.  A few loads of laundry for me, computer work for Vic.  We watched Mother of the Bride with breakfast, it was cute.

We grabbed dinner from the teriyaki/sushi place (I know, do we ever cook at home?).  We tried to stay up to see the Northern Lights in our area but didn't make it.

Off to church on Sunday morning, there was a photo set-up, you can just make out the "love you MOM" behind us!

Vic made reservations for afternoon tea at what must be the only tearoom left on this side of the water.  Let's just say we're still searching for an afternoon tea spot.

It looked promising when we sat down...

...until the waitress brought this plate.  Scones first?  Uh, no...I told her I was expecting the tiered server or a plate with the savories first, but she said that's not the way they do it there... gets up was the tiered server with (!) soup...some sort of puff pastry thing...and one sandwich each...

...the desserts on the top tier were mediocre at best; chocolate chip cookies, that's just not cricket!  

You may be thinking that it doesn't look all that bad, but we were expecting afternoon tea.  Remember this from several of my A-to-Z posts in April:

No soup there and what looks like four different sandwich fillings and proper scones.  I probably could have forgiven it not being a proper afternoon tea but at $58 per person plus a 20% gratuity automatically added the bill, it was a huge disappointment.

On the bright side, Vic discovered a mini Craigh Na Dun (Outlander fans can relate), and he looks like he's off to meet up with Jamie and Claire.  He'd better open his eyes, though, or he's really going to get lost!

Home now and relaxing with a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy.  Back to work for Vic on Monday, but not for too much longer!


  1. I am glad your doctors appointment went well, it sounds like you had a lovely day. Your lunch looks delicious but it's a shame about your dinner. Our favourite fish and chip shop is about 100 miles from us. lol We have to make do with the one in town.
    Lovely photo of you and Vic.
    That afternoon tea was a bit of an odd one. I have never seen soup on an afternoon tea before. lol What a let down!

  2. That tea does sound like such a disappointment! We don't have many places that even serve fish and chips anymore-- so many have them have given up the batter.
