Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Favorites - The Time Capsule Part 3 of 3


Continuing on with Baby's Time Capsule.

Tin #3 holds a variety of items.

Story books and cassette tapes with lullabies

A T-shirt that looks like it's from Pre-K

A pair of pajamas Sophia made in her first sewing class (Rhode Island 2007)

Three union suits - she looked so adorable in these

Vic's uniform shirt from when he was a Second Class Petty Officer - the Navy discontinued them after too many remarks that they made the enlisted sailors look like inmates

A T-shirt from our Saipan Cable TV days - Google Translate says Mas Mauleg means It's Better

A Precious Moments Cross that used to hang in her nursery

Also in the tin is my wedding outfit (photo below) and my college graduation gown and honor cord

Here we are on our wedding day outside the Governor's office - I think this was the only long-sleeved shirt Vic owned and he didn't have a tie in his wardrobe - my wedding outfit was a white long top over a slim skirt - it's considerably less white now after having been in the tin for so long

Here is Vic wearing the blue shirt - this is the homecoming from the deployment where his ship circumnavigated South America in 1997

A family photo shoot after my graduation from the University of North Florida - Mum and Dad flew in from England and my sister Barbara from San Francisco - Vic was finishing up a Mediterranean deployment and flew in a few days later - Mum made the knitted owl graduate Sophia is holding and he came to her high school and college graduations

The time capsule also included this book which has a place for us to write in a profile of Vic and me, money and prices, entertainment, leisure and sports, design and fashion, trends and issues, and innovations and predictions - a couple of them are interesting:
More than half of Americans will work from their homes, communicating via computers
Most U.S. homes will be equipped with video phones

Our sports director at Saipan Cable TV kept a photocopy of the Winners page pinned above his desk and filled it in as time went by - the scribbling is courtesy of Sophia


  1. So impressed with how much you were able to go into the capsule and the amazing items you put it into it! What great pieces of your family´s history and general cultural information you have preserved. Have a great weekend!

  2. I love that you put some of your things in the time capsule too!

  3. This has been such a fun series to read!

  4. The predictions re: working from home and video phones kinda gave me chills! It is so cool that you put so much thought and work into what went into her time capsule(s). Well done! Loved reading about it.

  5. Aww! How lovely! You have kept so many things full of memories. I love the wedding photo! x
