Tuesday, May 21, 2024

If this is Tuesday, it must be England #167


Today would have been my sister Barbara and brother-in-law Paul's 23rd wedding anniversary.  I saw would have been because my sister died suddenly in 2022.  She was in remission from breast cancer, but the chemotherapy had weakened her heart, and she had a heart attack.  They had a destination wedding in Scotland with a small group of their friends and a few family members, 33 people in total.  It was a fun-filled weekend at Duns Castle in the Scottish Borders with croquet, golf, clay pigeon shooting, archery, a rehearsal dinner at a local inn, and a beautiful wedding at Edrom Parish Church complete with bagpiper.  I don't think I've shared photos of the weekend before so here are a few.

Duns Castle, with the massive Norman Keep or Pele Tower, supposedly dates from 1320 and has eleven bedrooms. The castle and most of the structures on the property are designated as a scheduled ancient monument.  The property also has numerous outbuildings that can provide lodging for additional guests.  There is a publicly accessible park and two man-made lakes, the Hen Poo and the smaller Mill Dam, that form the Duns Castle nature reserve.

My family headed off for a walk around the estate (Pamela, Mum, Dad, and Barbara with Sophia in front)

Admiring the swans on the lake

Croquet on the lawn - the weather was absolutely glorious for the three days we were there

Mum (in red jacket) trying her hand at archery - she was legally blind at this point; the instructor was so kind to guide her

My brother-in-law (fifth from the left), his father (far left) and assorted friends who looked magnificent

Dad, Sophia and Mum waiting for the car to take them to the church

Mum's got the royal wave going there!

Dad and Mum at the church; they were always holding hands

Paul and Barbara back at the castle after the wedding

The wedding cake - Barbara said it was whimsical, it looks like something out of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party!  After my parents picked Sophia and me up at the airport, we picked up the cake and carried it to Scotland in three boxes where the castle staff put it together

Flower girl Sophia, she was 7 years old and the only child at the wedding.  Mum bought her an art box of supplies and she could be found at various places with one of her new aunties or uncles coloring along with her - Barbara and Paul's friends were just amazing with her

It was an amazing weekend, a memory that will last forever!


  1. Oh wow, I can see how the weekend would be a memory that will last forever. That castle! From the 1300´s? I am swooning!! Every detail looks well thought out. Thanks for sharing these pictures. I´m sorry about the loss of your sister.

  2. Oh no! I am so sorry about your sister. Sending love and hugs.
    What a great wedding and weekend for you all! It looks like the perfect location and what a pretty flower girl Sophia was.

  3. What a beautiful wedding. I'm so sorry about the early loss of your sister.

  4. Such a lovely wedding, like a fairy tale. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos. I am so sorry you lost your sister. I lost mine several years ago with breast cancer. We will always miss them won't we?
