Thursday, June 13, 2024

Around the 'Net

How many of these snacks have you eaten?  In Europe, in a European restaurant in your area, or recreated at home?  Is there a particular one you'd like to try?  We're big fans of afternoon tea, eaten in a tearoom or created at home.  I was so disappointed when my local IKEA stopped carrying the Swedish Prinsesstårta - it's a bit of a challenge to make, requiring 26 separate ingredients with 14 steps, but it is so worth it!


  1. I don't think I have eaten any of them but they do look yummy!

  2. I have not had any of these exact snacks. But being first generation German, my mom made a couple of kinds of German Kuchen and Tortes. Mom was a big coffee drinker (black!) with her sweets. She could not eat anything sweet without having a cup of coffee. So many of the snacks listed here look so good. I think I would like all of them :).

  3. Ohh! What a lot of yummy food!
    I have eated and drunk most of these things and they are all things I would class as treats! We love Churros here, Subway have just started doing foot long one's but my favourite has to be a scone with jam and cream.

  4. I'm so impressed that you made that Swedish cake! All of these snacks look delicious!

    1. Oh no, that was an observation that it is delicious! I have not (yet) attempted one.

  5. I would choose the French Milk Chocolate (hot cocoa) to try. I've always heard how wonderful and different it is than what we think of as hot cocoa here.
