Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 557

 From this Side of the Pond

1. What do you think has remained the same about you your whole life? How has your perception of yourself changed over time? 

My lifelong battle with my weight.  You name it, I've been it at one stage or my life or another - chubby, chunky, plump, Rubenesque, lol.  I'd like to say I've come to terms with it, but I haven't really.  There's a thin person in there somewhere!

2. What was the first thing you learned how to cook? Do you prefer to cook or bake? 

I don't remember cooking at home at all so my first things would have to be what we made in seventh grade home economics class - tuna casserole, cranberry-orange bread, and I have a memory of fried chicken using a half flour and half dry breadcrumbs mixture as the coating.  I used to like to cook and bake but during the three+ years separation from Vic while he was overseas, then on the East Coast plus the COVID period, I completely lost my joy of cooking.  Cooking for one is SO boring.  Honestly, I think I could live on soup and sandwiches for the rest of my life.  Thank goodness Vic enjoys cooking.

3. What are some of your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate.

Home DIY - we have long list - a new deck, a new front and side porch, a new roof, finish up the couple of rooms that still need to be detextured and painted, and redo both bathrooms.  When we're not yielding a hammer or a paintbrush, I have an equally long list of travel destinations. 

4. How much time do you spend on your hair each day or put another way, what's your hair care routine? Do you get it cut regularly or just whenever the mood strikes? Do you go to the same stylist every time? Do you tell your stylist everything? Any other beauty treatments you indulge in throughout the year? 

I wash my hair in the shower each morning, blow dry with a round brush so the ends curl under and flip back my bangs as much as my cowlick allows.  I get it cut every six weeks, same stylist.  Do I tell my stylist everything as in how I'd like my hair or life in general, lol?  I get a manicure/pedicure about every three weeks.  I haven't had a massage in years, and I use face masks I buy at Target.  

5. What is the most awe-inspiring place you've visited? 

The Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam ranks up there as well.

It looks sunny but it got down to 25 degrees at night when we were at the Grand Canyon in November 2016

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I had the craziest random thought when I was pumping gas at Costco on Monday.  You know that little lever that enables the gas to keep pumping if you step away and then disengages when the tank is full?  I have this crazy fear that the lever won't disengage, and the gas will keep pumping, overflowing the tank and going everywhere.  There has to be a name for that fear.


  1. I am right there with you on #1! I don't remember learning to cook or bake... I remember my home ec. classes the things we learned to cook there but I think I had already been helping out with meals at home. My job was to get dinner started so my mom could take over when she walked in the door from work but I don't remember the first thing I ever made.

  2. Oh my gosh, I will have that gas fear from now on! I was just pointing out the feature to one of my daughters the other day. I can´t wait to be awed by the Grand Canyon- I know that I will be. That trip has been pushed back to next year but I can´t wait! I mean, I can but I know that I will love it so much and am looking forward to seeing it.

  3. I love Costco prices but hate their pumps. We just filled 3, 5 gallon tanks there and you have to hold it in; I hate it!

  4. Here in California we have non-locking nozzles so that doesn’t happen. You have to stay right there and hold the nozzle. I do remember that concern years ago which is why I never let go. We also cannot top off due to air regulations. We have a suction system n the nozzle that has to fit exactly over the gasket. Just so many regulations.

  5. That thought sometimes comes to me as I'm pumping gas. I like to move to holding the handle as it nears a full tank. I learned to drive in NJ and you don't pump your own gas there. I wish that were still true in all states!

  6. I can definitely relate to #1. It's a struggle. I enjoyed this post today!

  7. I can relate to your answer to #1 from my College years on. OYE. The Grand Canyon is such an awe inspiring place. Not the same just seeing it in photos. Our last home that we called This Old House had never ending DIY projects! Have a great end of June!

  8. I haven't put gas in my car since 2009. I hurt my hand back then and could not handle the nozzle. My husband has done it since. I don't have the strength to hold it down. I did enjoy my cooking class at school. Most of what I learned was from my mom. My husband retired in 2013 and basically took over most of the cooking. I still have my specialties. Nice pictures of the two of you at the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam.

  9. I think #6 is 'childhood trauma induce by watching Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds". At least it's what caused it for me, and I think of every time I'm filling up. ;)

  10. I have only seen the Grand Canyon from the air, flying over, but it inspired awe then, so how much more would it be up close! I have sort of love-hate relationship with those locking gas pump levers - it bugs me when a gas pump doesn't have one that works, but at the same time I'm a little nervous that it would stay locked and spill gas, so I understand where you're coming from! Hope you're having a great week!

  11. Weight issues are never easy. ((Hugs)) I didn't cook at home either but did do that in Home Economics. Good luck with your DIY list. It appears most people see their hairdresser about every six weeks. I do too. That's an interesting fear. Now I'm going to wonder about that when I get gas!!!

  12. I keep saying the same thing about myself, there's a thin person in there somewhere.
    If I was by myself I don't think I would ever really cook but I do enjoy cooking for my family. The first thing that I remember learning to cook was omelette, my grandad taught me and my aunt taught me to bake scones.
    I haven't had my hair cut professionally in about 17 years. I do it myself. I don't spend that much time on my hair unless I am dying it, then it can take a couple of hours.
    Oh wow! The Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam pictures are amazing!
