Tuesday, June 11, 2024

If this is Tuesday, it must be England #169

The final rehearsal for the King's Birthday Parade, known as the Colonel's Review, has taken place in London.  The King's Birthday Parade, known as Trooping the Colour, is the official birthday celebration of the sovereign.

This year, the Number 9 Irish Guards will troop their colour on June 15 with the King in attendance.

They rehearsed at Horse Guards Parade in front of an audience of 8000 after receiving a letter from their colonel, the Princess of Wales, apologizing for her absence and wishing them luck.

King Charles III will inspect the soldiers from a carriage rather than on horseback as he has done previously.

A balcony appearance after last year's event.  It is not known if the Princess of Wales will be well enough to make an appearance this year.


  1. Sure hope the Princess of Wales will be healthy enough to make an appearance...

  2. Ahh! I love watching Trooping the Colour on the TV. I love the tradition and amazing show that they put on. So much work and effort must go into it.

  3. I really hope Catherine is on the road to recovery! I miss seeing her!
