Monday, June 10, 2024

Share Our Lives - Foods to Make for Someone Else


This month we're sharing foods to make for someone else.  A photo-less post because a) I forgot it was Share Our Lives Monday and am putting this together in a rush, and b) I need to take more photos of the food I prepare to have them handy!

I think the number one key to making food for someone else is to make sure they don't need to return any of the dishes.  Use disposable foil pans or other storage containers that they can keep or toss.

A one-pan dish is my go-to as it can be heated up and eaten right away or frozen for later.  In these days of meal trains, you don't usually end up with a counterful of casseroles but it can happen that more than one person brings food on a given day.  So, my top five would be:

1.  Lasagna or Baked Ziti - add in a bagged salad and some bread for a complete meal.

2.  Enchiladas - add some Spanish rice and beans.

3.  Shepherd's Pie - I add the vegetables to the bottom of my dish, but you can bring them in a separate container.

4.  Any of the one-pan dishes that you can make with cream soups - my favorite is chicken in mushroom-garlic sauce - chicken thighs, one can of cream of mushroom with roasted garlic soup, and one can of cream of mushroom with herbs, Crock on low all day and then transfer to a disposable container to take to the recipient.  Add a container of cooked white rice for serving.

5.  Chili with small containers of add-ins - chopped onion, cheese, sour cream, tomato, avocado.

Two other items that are always a bit hit:

Soup and sandwiches - pick up a couple of tubs of soup from your local soup bar and put together a tray of sandwich fixings - ham, turkey, cheese, tomato, lettuce, pickles along with mayo and mustard - a bit more work for you but it would be a hit with those family members who are not fans of casseroles.  Don't forget the sandwich rolls.

A gift card for a local takeaway - if you know their favorite, that's a bonus!

Join us on the 2nd Monday of each month - here are the upcoming topics.


  1. Those are all great ideas of things to make. Baked ziti is so easy and most people like it. I did enchilada recently and they were well received. Have a great Monday!

  2. Definitely some great ideas on here!

  3. Those are all good ideas! All in one dishes are so comforting and delicious.

  4. I love that you include small containers of add in for the chili

  5. I completely took the 'Foods to make for someone else' a different way. My mind went to making things that I either don't really like or don't really like to prepare, but I make them on occasion because someone in the family loves it. Liver and onions tops the list. :(

  6. I have never heard of a meal train until today. They are such a lovely idea.
    What great ideas for meals. I always think something filling and comforting goes down well in times of need.

  7. The soup and sandwich is such a good idea, especially if they are already getting lots of casseroles. A great list!

  8. Shepherd's pie is such a great idea...a hearty meal. Thanks for linking up with us.
