Tuesday, June 4, 2024

If this is Tuesday, it must be England #168


When I hear the words "Welsh" and "Male Choir", I immediately get goosebumps.  There is nothing more mellifluous that the music coming from Welsh men.

I can't remember how I stumbled across the Johns' Boys Choir - they are amazing.  Here is their performance on Britain's Got Talent followed by their performance in the semi-finals.  You will be enchanted.


  1. You win the internet for me today for using the word, ¨mellifluous.¨ You don´t see that one in blog posts very much. I love it! I will check out the music when it isn´t so quiet in the house (some are still sleeping :)).

  2. Ahh! I remember them from Britain's Got Talent, they were amazing! There is something special about Welsh choirs.

  3. Thanks for sharing! In general, I love a men's chorus, especially after watching my son in his high school years. And Wales is one of the many places I'd like to revisit someday!
