Thursday, June 27, 2024

Monthly Musings - June 2024


1.  Summer Plans - No major vacations planned but perhaps a few local outings.  We have a couple of festivals in our area, and I have tickets to the Titanic Exhibition in Seattle.  Vic will be on terminal leave from the Navy but probably not starting his new job yet, so he's decided to redo our deck!

2.  I can't think of any summer traditions.

3.  What is your favorite summer destination - somewhere it still stays cool, so perhaps on the coast or in the mountains.  The Oregon coast is on our list of places to visit.  I love the sound of the waves, especially at night.

I think I'd enjoy Crater Lake National Park as the July and August temperatures just touch 70 degrees.

I'd like to say Paris or London but any city with all that concrete is way too hot.

3.  Did anyone else notice there are two number 3s?  The ocean would be my preference, but a lake is very close behind.

4.  Pool time planned - no, I'm not a pool person.

5.  Best travel or packing tips - packing cubes keep things organized and lots of planning makes any trip go smoothly.

6.  Favorite summer movie - Mamma Mia.  Grease and Dirty Dancing are top contenders as well.

7. Beverage that says summer to you - my new concoction of Pom pomegranate blueberry juice mixed with an Izze Apple sparking beverage.

8.  What songs say summer to you - I said Summer Breeze by Seals and Croft when I had this question in the Wednesday Hodgepodge but anything by the Beach Boys would be a summer hit too.

9.  What do you like on your burgers or hot dogs - I love burgers with mayo, lettuce, onion, and pickles and a friend from Chile introduced me to guacamole on hot dogs - so good!

I would leave off the tomato

10.  Charcoal or gas grill - gas.


  1. These are beautiful travel destinations ! I don't know where to go, it's or too cold or too hot ! Our winter finished (hopefully) just last week ! We had rain and rain and rain, in Belgium and in England the same weather ! I love the English coast just opposite Belgium, but the weather was the same, so I stayed home.

  2. I did not in fact notice that there were 2 #3's and ended up not answering one of them! LOL. Crater National Park looks beautiful but I am right there with you on not visiting a city in the hot summer heat.

  3. I would love to see the Oregon coast! Your drink concoction sounds good. Good catch on two 3´s. I did not notice that.

  4. We drove up the coast of Oregon a few years ago and it was just spectacular. I absolutely couldn't ge over the beauty. We went in October so it was cool. I live on a lake in SC and we like it hot in the summer. We pretty much spend our summers floating. Have a great day!

  5. Yes! Our mistake on two #3s- ha!! Guacamole on a hot dog? Sounds interesting- may have to give it a try!

  6. Oregon and Crater Lake are definitely on my bucket list!

  7. Sorry about the two #3 questions. That is totally on me. I love guacamole on my burger but have never tried on a hot dog. I am going to give that a try. Thanks for joining us!


  8. All of our summer plans are happening over the next couple of weeks, we need to make more.
    The Oregon coast looks beautiful.
    I watched Mamma Mia today and Dirty Dancing is one of my all time favourite movies.
