Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 556

 From this Side of the Pond

1. It's National Splurge Day...what's something you might splurge on today? What have you splurged on recently?

We splurged on a pet carrier for Malone so we can take him with us on days out.  He's still pretty reactive to anyone and anything he sees when he's in the back of the car so this will keep him a little more contained.

2. Do you have a beach bag? What's in it? Is a trip to the beach on your summer bucket list? Do you have a summer bucket list? 

No, I don't have a beach bag because I'm not a beach person so that's a no on the beach being on a summer bucket list.  We do like to take day trips out to explore our local area, so I pack a bag for that.  This summer we're hoping to visit Mount St. Helens and the Washington/Oregon coast.

3. What's a song that makes you think of a summer past? What comes to mind when you hear it? What memories does it stir up for you? 

Summer Breeze by Seals and Croft - it just always makes me think of summers at the beach (I used to be a beach person).  It's from 1972, one of our last summers in Belgium when we would escape to our caravan on the coast, play on the beach, swim in the English Channel, eat frites from the campground frites stand, and my sister and I would never go anywhere without a bucket and spade.

4. Sushi-yay or nay? Have you actually tried it? If you love it what's your go-to order? 

Yes, love it.  My favorite is called Vader.

5. I own a ridiculous amount of CRAFT SUPPLIES. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I'm in vacation planning mode.  Current research is river cruising in Europe.


  1. A river cruise looks so fun; I've researched a few of them but can't get my husband to agree-- yet! I too own a crazy amount of crafting supplies.

  2. Swooning over your craft room- its organization and all the things in it!!

  3. Those river cruises sound wonderful. You'll have to tell us which cruise you end up picking. Friends of ours just enjoyed one in Portugal. You have a well organized craft space!

  4. We drove up the Oregon coast a few years ago and I absolutely loved it. The scenery is spectacular!! I wrote about it on my blog if you want to look at the posts. I think if you put Oregon in the search bar on my side bar the posts will come up. We started in San Francisco with the recaps starting on 10/27/17.

  5. The Vader looks fantastic! I love the rolls that have a heaping mound of something on top. So good.

  6. A river cruise sounds wonderful! I love the song summer breeze too!

  7. Craft things is what I said, but I don't have a craft room anymore. My grandson took it over since he lives with us during the school year. a friend of mine went on the river cruise and really enjoyed it. Summer Breeze reminds me of a beach trip I took with college kids. We started at the beach and then we went to UCI for a tour.

  8. My craft room does NOT look that good. :(

  9. The pet carrier looks like a great buy and that sushi looks amazing. My youngest is a big sushi lover and she would love that.
