Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 555

From this Side of the Pond

1.  June 12 is National Simplicity Day.  In what way is your life simple?  What's one way that it's not?

I'm having a really hard time answering this.  Everything I type sounds like it would insult one group or another and that's not my intention.  I'm not a homemaker in the sense of making my own clothes or growing and canning vegetables or what's the expression, mending and making do?  I like modern conveniences but we're not extravagant.  I'm drawing a total blank at making this make sense!  

2.  Something you remember from a 'simpler time'?

My Dad was a junior enlisted soldier, and my Mum was a homemaker so there wasn't a lot of extra money.  I feel like we lived in a simpler time although I never felt like we did without.  My childhood was filled with unconditional love and fun, simple times.  We were lucky that we lived in some great places - Norway, San Francisco, Belgium - but that was courtesy of the United States Army.  We didn't travel extensively in those areas, but we saw plenty of local sites.

3.  Do you like squash?  If so what's your favorite variety?  What's a favorite way to prepare squash?

There are a lot of varieties of squash, I had no idea until I Googled.  I like zucchini, acorn, and yellow crookneck squash.  I don't like spaghetti squash, butternut I can take or leave, and I've never tried pattypan.  The others on the search are unfamiliar to me.  We love to grill or sauté or roast zucchini, but only until it's warmed through and not mushy.

4.  Do you shop the warehouse stores (such as Costco, Sam's, BJs, etc.)? If so, how often do you go, and what's something you always buy in this type of store?

I shop at Costco.  I go once every couple of weeks because there is just the two of us, so we don't do a lot of bulk buying.  We buy our gas at Costco, and I buy beef, chicken, and salmon and if we're not on the Whole 30, gluten-free eating plan, muffins, bagels and croissants make their way into my basket!  We also like their dips, and their desserts are delicious - tiramisu, chocolate mousse, macarons.

5.  Father's Day is this coming Sunday.  Any plans to make the day special?  Tell us something about your own father, or something about your hubs as a father, or about someone who stepped into your life and acted as a father if yours was not a part of your life.

We're off to indulge in our favorite pastime - afternoon tea.  We found a new tearoom to try so here's hoping it's worth the expense because afternoon tea has gotten ridiculously expensive.

My Dad was amazing, and I miss him dreadfully.  He worked hard to provide for his family and his years of working gave him a retirement income to live comfortably.  He lived his last days in Oregon with my sister and her family.  COPD meant that his physical activity was limited but his two grandsons kept his mind active.

February 2008 - Dad with granddaughter Sophia and grandsons Alex and Marc

6. Insert your own random thought here.

We're traveling to Paris next year and all I can think about right now is that I am so glad we are not going over there soon.  The run-up to the Olympics consists of lots of scaffolding, road closures or detours, and gazillions of people.  I know it will still be crowded when we go, but not anything like 26 July to 11 August.


  1. I like most varieties of squash too but I am not a fan of spaghetti squash either.

  2. When I answered the question about Costco, how did I forget about gas? My husband loves to buy gas at Costco! It helps that we live close by! I've never been to Paris (except through the airport). I hope to go one day!

  3. Oooh Paris...what a fun trip to look forward to. I think that particular city has had some issues so will be interesting to see how the Olympics play out. I think most people I know had a lot less 'stuff' growing up. Technology has ushered in a lot of wonderful things, but it's definitely a mixed bag. Enjoy your day!

  4. Costco really does have a lot of great stuff! We are going to Germany next year and I am already stessed!

  5. Enjoy your afternoon tea!! and I do hope it is not too expensive.

  6. Ahh! It sounds like you had a wonderful childhood. I always say it was a simpler time back when I was a child without the technology that we have now.
    When I read squash my first thought was juice, as in orange squash.
    Ohh! Have a fab afternoon tea on Sunday!

  7. I think of simplicity in the lines of not trying to keep up with the Jones, not living for material things, not being super on the go all the time, etc. This season of my life is one of fair simplicity but they have not all been like that. Paris this summer would be crazy! My daughter was there in January which is one of the least busy times and she said it seemed by very busy/ crowded. Though she heard that the summer time is 10x more crowded. Throw in the Olympics and I can´t even imagine how crazy it will be!

  8. I don't really feel like traveling outside the US or to cities with much vilence. It seems a bit risky, especially with the Olympics making me think of the 1972 Munich incident.

  9. Oh darn, I pushed Publish, and I wasn't done!
    Now I don't know what I was saying, lol. Oh, well, it must not have been important. Have a good day.

  10. That is a precious photo of your dad and his grandchildren! I've never met a squash I didn't like. :) Until I read the comments on this post, I used to think how much I used to get done, and how that's changed, without realizing that, of course, it's due to technology! Food for more thought here.

  11. That's so sweet hearing about your dad, especially in his later years. I agree about the simpler times. I never remember going out to eat or big vacations, just lots of time outside, trips to the library, etc. Grace enjoyed her time in Paris and said it was really clean in preparation for the OIympics.

  12. Our buying at BJs is similar to yours at Costco - many things I like to buy at the club, but with just the two of us I don't need to buy as much or as often. But gas! Always! Hope the new tea shop is lovely and meets all expectations, and that you're having a great week!
