It's time for the Hodgepodge. Click on the photo to see Joyce's post.
1. Do you have a word for the year (WOTY)? If so, and you'd like to share, please share. How do you decide on a word? If you don't have a word are you still on the hunt for one in 2024?
I haven't picked a WOTY for 2024, haven't really thought much about it.
2. January 23rd is National Pie Day...will you celebrate? Do you like pie? What's your favorite?
I thought Pie (Pi) Day was March 14th (3.14) or is that another Pie Day? A Google search revealed that there are two Pie Days, December 1 and January 23 and Pi Day which is March 14. Like we need an excuse to eat more pie, am I right? I love pie but I won't be celebrating this time as we are in the final stretches of our Whole 30 clean eating for January. We love Marionberry Cheese Pie, lighter than cheesecake, it is a delightfully creamy blend of cream cheese, egg and vanilla in a fresh baked pie crust, made even more irresistible with marionberry topping. BTW, marionberries are a cross between olallieberries and Chehalem blackberries and are grown exclusively in Oregon.
3. Tipping. What are your thoughts, expectations, as to who, when where? Do you appreciate a store/restaurant giving a 'suggested amount'? Have you ever left an extravagant tip?
I can't tell you how many tipping guides I've saved from the Internet. I do appreciate good service and the suggested amount is very helpful. During the holidays, I try to tip 100% at least a couple of times, one of those acts of random kindness gestures. At that time of the year, I really feel for wait staff who are so busy and at the mercy of less than considerate restaurant patrons. Here are three guides I saved. Interesting to see the guidelines for other countries.
I tip my hairdresser and manicurist, usually closer to 25% than 20%. I tip the suggested 20% at restaurants. I'm always at a loss with hotel porters and valet parking attendants so I need to keep this hotel tipping guide handy!
4. Share with us one household 'tip' that works for you.
I use a lot of baskets in my kitchen for storage. It's helpful to pull out a basket with sauce mixes, or rice blends, or even microfiber cloths rather than have to move things around to find what you're looking for.
5. Influencers on social media are people who've built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a particular subject. Do you follow any influencers online? Have you made a purchase or tried something new because of that 'influence'? If there's one you particularly enjoy tell us who they are and why you enjoy them.
I follow a couple of influencers. I've been following Caroline Mrs. M since she was a blogger, she now exclusively vlogs on You Tube and Instagram. You can find her at @caroline_mrsm. She is a lifestyle vlogger but also does a lot of try-ons for plus-size clothing brands. I love her dry humor, so British. I also follow Josie at Fashion Mumblr @josieldn and Lydia Millen @lydiamillen, both of whom live charmed lifestyles in the English countryside. I haven't been influenced by them because most of their recommendations are way beyond my budget but one can dream.
I haven't had too much success with purchases from influencers, I've been better off with suggestions from bloggers during Prime Purchases hosted by Tanya at The Other Side of the Road.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
You know how you see Christmas coming in stores in the late summer, completely skipping Halloween and Thanksgiving. Well, two weeks ago at my local Michaels, here is Easter. What happened to Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day?
BTW, I found Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day, at the back of the store!