Monday, January 29, 2024

Hello Monday - January 29, 2024

I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah this morning for Hello Monday and a weekend recap.

Busy-ish weekend.  Vic continued working in the guest room.  He dismantled the cheap wooden closet components and scraped off two layers of borders that had been painted over, what a chore that was!  The so-called wallpaper removal tool was useless and he ended up scoring the borders with an Exacto knife and then scraping away until all the paper was gone.

Husband of a scrapbooker - "Yes, honey, I'll stand here with this ridiculously heavy piece of shelving until you grab the camera!" - he's such a good sport.

I don't think there have been children in this house since the 1990s so you can imagine how tough this was to remove.  At the bottom, you can see the heavily textured paint that will be next - thank goodness for the professional sanding tool, we are certainly getting our money's worth out of it.

While Vic was busy in the house on Friday, I went to my appointment at the Work Injury Clinic.  How long these appointments will go on, I've no idea but I am so over them.  I guess they want to hear that I'm ok now but that's not going to happen.  My knee will never be at 100% again.  I stopped off at Barnes and Noble to return a book I bought earlier this week, it turned out to be the re-released softcover version of a book I already had!  Then it was next door to pick up Crunchie candy bars for Sophia's birthday.  If you haven't tried a Crunchie, it's divine honeycomb enrobed in milk chocolate.

Vic cooked Spinach-Stuffed Salmon for dinner on Friday, it's fast becoming a firm favorite and is on the menu at least once a week.

On Saturday, I ran to the post office to drop Sophia's birthday package, then to Staples to drop the four ink cartridges I'd used to print photos for the retreat.  Do you recycle your ink cartridges?  Staples gives you $2 in reward dollars for each cartridge you drop off.  Final stop was the library where I dropped a book I have just not been able to get into at all.  The parking lot was just about flooded, it's been raining that much.

Home to drive with Vic to the dump to drop off the closet components, some leftover flooring, and other assorted trash.  Malone rode along, too.  We stopped at Joann's on the way home so I could grab some white cardstock.  We were both feeling pretty lazy so dinner was leftovers.

Vic worked his way through a Fast & Furious marathon while I worked on prep work for the retreat.  This is a 12 x 12 album full of top-loading page protectors.  In each one, I drop in the photos, paper, embellishments, and other memorabilia that will be on each page.  It makes it so easy to have it all organized like this.

Sunday it was off to church.  Vic connected with the media team supervisor to volunteer and we met with the small groups coordinator to express our interest in finding a group.  After church, we headed to Whole Foods to pick up three items and came home with thirteen.  It's just too tempting in there although all of our products are either Whole 30 friendly (two more days to go) or gluten-free for our plan for after the Whole 30.  Although I gazed longingly at the bakery case, I resisted.

How was your weekend?


  1. I love honeycomb! I would often pick that at old fashioned candy counters when I find one. It's kind of hard to find here. I will have to look for that bar. The spinach stuffed salmon sounds divine and I should try that!
    You only have two more days to go - amazing! I bet you feel great!
    I had a very loose weekend of eating and I will blame it on that time of the month. It's Monday and time to track again and get that protein in!

  2. Your Whole Foods bit made me chuckle- I find the same problem here- ha! Your hubby is amazing- can't wait to read all about that room when it is done!

  3. I love the photo and caption with Vic holding the shelving. He does seem like such a great sport! What a great weekend you had. We were super lazy/sick over here all weekend, so that changed all of my plans. I'm glad we did Friday date night since we both ended up catching what one of our sons had. Your retreat sounds like it's going to be fun! I am sure you're looking forward to it!

  4. I have never heard of that candy before but it sounds yummy! I love Vic's face in that shelving photo (reminds me of the eye rolls I get from my family members when I want them to wait so I can take a photo).

  5. It sounds like a very productive weekend. I was laughing at the caption about him holding the cabinet. Blog hubbies are so understanding!

  6. There is no job worse than scraping off painted-over wallpaper!

  7. We had a quiet weekend but thoroughly enjoyed. Vic is certainly a man of many talents and I loved his pose for you. Such a sweet hubby to do that. So sorry about your knee. Mine are not what they were after several falls I have had over the years. The Crunchy is a great candy bar. I was in our pasty shop in Vienna (Virginia) yesterday and should have looked for one but I treated myself to a Cadbury’s Flake instead. We had a car picnic with a pasty and Flake. Hadn’t had either for a long time and it was so good! I enjoyed reading about your weekend , thanks for sharing it.

    1. You have a pasty shop near you? How wonderful! Flake runs a close second to Crunchie. We have a British food store here but World Market also carries quite a few British products.
